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해조류 톳 (Hizikia fusiforme)의 효소 가수분해
Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Marine Algae Hizikia fusiforme 원문보기

KSBB Journal, v.26 no.4, 2011년, pp.347 - 351  

송부복 (부경대학교 생물공학과) ,  김성구 (부경대학교 생물공학과) ,  정귀택 (부경대학교 생물공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this study, we investigated the effect of reaction factors on enzymatic hydrolysis of Hizikia fusiforme, which is brown algae in marine biomass resource, using commercial enzymes. The composition of H. fusiforme is 38.9% of reducing sugar, 4.8% of moisture, 17.8% of ash, and 38.5% of others. In t...


참고문헌 (11)

  1. Yeon, J. H., H. B. Seo, S. H. Oh, W. S. Choi, D. H. Kang, H. Y. Lee, and K. H. Jung (2010) Bioethanol production from hydrolysate of seaweed Sargassum sagamianum. KSBB Journal 25: 283-288. 

  2. Lee, S. M., I. S. Choi, S. K. Kim, and J. H. Lee (2009) Production of bio-ethanol from brown algae by emzymic hydrolysis. KSBB Journal 24: 483-488. 

  3. Kang, K. Y., S. Y. Park, K. H. Bang, H. Park, G. T. Jeong, and D. H. Park (2010) Study on enzymatic hydrolysis of rapeseed straw. Journal of Research Institute for Catalysis 31: 77-85. 

  4. Lee, S. J., S. Go, G. T. Jeong, and S. K. Kim (2011) Oil production from five marine microalgae for the production of biodiesel. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering 16: 561-566. 

  5. Jeong, G. T. and D. H. Park (2010) Production of sugars and levulinic acid from marine biomass Gelidium amansii. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 161: 41-52. 

  6. Lee, S. M., J. H. Kim, H. Y. Cho, H. Joo, and J. H. Lee (2009) Production of bio-ethanol from brown algae by physicochemical hydrolysis. J. Korean Ind. Eng. Chem. 20: 517-521. 

  7. Korean Society of Food Science and Technology (2004) Dictionary of Food Science and Technology. Gwang Il Munhwasa, Korea. 

  8. Kim. C. (2010) Saccharification of Gelidium amansii by acid hydrolysis to generate mixed sugars. M.S. Thesis. Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea. 

  9. Kim, J. K. (2010) Pretreatment and Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Ulva pertusa Kjellman. M.S, Thesis. Inha University, Incheon, Korea. 

  10. Choi, D., H. S. Sim, Y. L. Piao, W. Ying, and H. Cho (2009) Sugar production from raw seaweed using the enzyme method. Journal of Industrial and engineering Chemistry 15: 12-15. 

  11. Sluiter, A., B. Hames, R. Ruiz, C. Scarlata, J. Sluiter, D. Templeton, and D. Crocker (2008) "Determination of structural carbohydrates and lignin" in Biomass Laboratory Analytical Procedure (LAP), Technical Report NREL/TP-510-42618. 

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