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무선통신에 영향을 미치는 태양폭풍의 통계적 분석
Statistical analysis for the solar eruption effect on wireless communication 원문보기

통신위성우주산업연구회논문지 = The Journal of Korea Society of Communication and Sapce Technology, v.6 no.2, 2011년, pp.107 - 111  

박재우 (한국전자통신연구원 위성무선융합연구부실) ,  김정훈 ,  한진욱 (방통위 국립전파연구원 우주전파센터)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

세계2차대전을 통해 태양폭발은 레이더시스템에 큰 영향을 주는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 1942년 2월 28일의 전파교란 현상은 태양활동의 극대기에 증가한 우주 광선(cosmic ray)에 의한 것이었다. 이러한 사실들이 밝혀지면서 태양폭발 및 태양 입자 활동에 관한 연구가 활발히 이루어졌다. 태양폭발이 우주선에 미치는 영향, 극 운행 비행기에 미치는 영향, 레이더 시스템에 미치는 영향, 무선통신시스템에 미치는 영향 등에 대한 연구가 다양하게 이루어 지고 있다. 본 논문에서는 지난 40여년 간의 태양전파 관측자료를 분석하여 태양폭발에 의해 무선통신에 미치는 영향과 태양활동주기간의 상관관계를 분석하였다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In World War II, the solar eruption (solar flare) was revealed to make a significant effect to radar systems. The radio disturbance in February 28, 1942 was due to increased cosmic ray during solar maximum. Since such phenomena had been disclosed, many studies were accomplished on solar flare and so...


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AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

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제안 방법

  • Considering to any missing of solar flare events due to any reasons like equipment faults, we introduce a weighting factor for solar flare events from the number of solar flare observation days in order to estimate more practical yearly solar flare events.
  • For the frequency range between 1GHz and 20GHz which is the weakest band for the wireless communication when the solar flares are occurred, the relationship between the solar flare event and sunspot number is analyzed. The sunspot number is shown in Figure 1.
  • In this paper we analyzed the relationship between the harmful effect on the wireless communication by the solar eruption and the period of solar activity from the sunspot number data [10] and the solar radio burst data [11] for last 40 years.
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참고문헌 (11)

  1. Hey, J.S., "Solar Radiations in the 4--6 metre Radio Wavelength band", Nature, 158, 234, 1946. 

  2. Forbush, S.E., "Three recent cosmic-ray increases possibly due to charged particles from the Sun", Phys. Rev., 70, 771, 1946. 

  3. Castelli, J.P., Aarons, J., Michael, G.A., "Flux density measurements of radio bursts of proton-producing flares and nonproton flares". J. Geophys. Res. 72, 5491-5498, 1967. 

  4. Castelli, J. P., J. Aarons, D.A. Guidice and R.M. Straka, "The Solar Radio Patrol Network of the USAF and Its Application". Proc. IEEE, 61, 1307, 1973. 

  5. Bala, B., Lanzerotti, L.J., Gary, D.E., Thomson, D.J., "Noise in wireless systems produced by solar radio bursts". Radio Sci. 37 (2), 1018, 2002. 

  6. Nita, G.M., Gary, D.E., Lanzerotti, L.J., Thombon, D.J., "The peak flux distribution of solar radio bursts". Astrophys. J. 570, 423-438, 2002. 

  7. Lanzerotti, L.J., Gary, D.E., Thomson, D.J., Maclennan, C.G. "Solar radio burst event (6 April 2001) and noise in wireless communications systems". Bell Labs Tech. J. 7 (1), 159-163, 2002. 

  8. Kummer, W.H., Gillespie, E.S. "Antenna measurements - 1978". Proc. IEEE, 66, 483-507, 1978. 

  9. Lanzerotti, L.; Gary, D.; Nita, G.; Thomson, D.; Maclennan, C., "Noise in wireless systems from solar radio bursts", Adv. in Space Research, 36, 2253, 2005. 

  10. Sunspot Numbers Data (1960-2007), NGDC, http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/nndc/struts/results?t102827&s5&d8,430,9 

  11. Solar Radio Burst Data (1960-2007), NGDC, http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/nndc/struts/results?t102827&s3&d8,11,9 

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