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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The electrophoretic deposition(EPD) of ZnO nano-sized colloids is investigated by changing the colloid number concentration, applied force, and deposition time. The change of the colloid size in a suspension was examined by the different colloid number concentrations (N = $3.98{\times}10^{15}$<...


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문제 정의

  • Until now, most the particle concentrations of solution for EPD have been based on weight. In this study, the number concentration concept for ZnO nano-sized colloids will be employed in order to explore how the green microstructure develops into a new regime during EPD. The agglomeration behavior and settling observation of the suspension under applied force will be examined to find the optimal EPD conditions, with a consideration of the colloid number concentration, the applied force and the deposition time in a suspension.
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참고문헌 (21)

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