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Butterfly species identification by branch length similarity entropy

Journal of asia-pacific entomology, v.15 no.3, 2012년, pp.437 - 441  

Kang, Seung-Ho (Division of Fusion Convergence of Mathematical Sciences, National Institute for Mathematical Sciences) ,  Jeon, Wonju (Division of Fusion Convergence of Mathematical Sciences, National Institute for Mathematical Sciences) ,  Lee, Sang-Hee (Division of Fusion Convergence of Mathematical Sciences, National Institute for Mathematical Sciences)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

We previously developed a shape recognition methodology that uses "branch length similarity" (BLS) entropy, which is defined as a simple branching network consisting of a single node and branches. The simple network is referred to as a "unit branching network" (UBN). Our approach involves obtaining ...


참고문헌 (18)

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