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TDOA기법 기반의 다중 재머 위치 추정 알고리즘 설계
A Design of Multiple Jammers Localization Algorithm Based on TDOA Method 원문보기

韓國軍事科學技術學會誌 = Journal of the KIMST, v.15 no.6, 2012년, pp.729 - 737  

강희원 (한국항공우주연구원) ,  임덕원 (한국항공우주연구원) ,  허문범 (한국항공우주연구원)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In case that multiple jammers are transmitting the signals which are the same type a general algorithm based on TDOA method cannot estimate the positions of multiple jammers because there are many TDOA measurements including true and false values. This paper, therefore, designs a new algorithm based...


참고문헌 (17)

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