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목적 : 뜸 연소 실험을 통해 간접구의 일종인 온구기의 연소 특성을 조사하였다. 방법 : 온구기를 유리판 위에 놓고 연소하여 50분간 온도 데이터를 수집하였다. 총 20개의 뜸봉을 연소하여 수집된 데이터를 분석하여 평균 온도, 최고 온도, 최고 온도 도달 시간, 최고 온도 지속 시간을 계산하였다. 또 혈류량을 증가시킨다고 보고된 온도($38^{\circ}C$)에 도달하는 시간, 그 이상의 온도로 지속되는 시간, C-fiber의 활성화를 통해 치료효과를 나타내는 것으로 보고된 온도($42-50^{\circ}C$)에 도달하는 시간과 그 범위 내의 지속시간을 계산하였다. 결과 : 평균 최고온도는 $50.4^{\circ}C$이고 평균 도달시간은 1,007초, 평균 지속시간은 27초였다. 평균최고 온도는 보고된 다른 간접구와 유사하였으나 평균 도달시간은 더 길었다. $38^{\circ}C$에 도달하는 평균시간은 410초이고 지속 시간은 1,813초였다. $42-50^{\circ}C$에 도달하는 평균시간은 521초이고 지속시간은 990초였다. 결론 : 온구기는 연소 특성이 보고된 다른 종류의 뜸보다 더 오랜 시간 동안 안정적인 열자극이 가능하여, 뜸치료의 임상 활용의 폭을 높일 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.


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* AI 자동 식별 결과로 적합하지 않은 문장이 있을 수 있으니, 이용에 유의하시기 바랍니다.

문제 정의

  • Since the relatively new form of indirect moxibustion using ceramic containers is used therapeutically, its thermal characteristics need to be analyzed and reported. Therefore, the aim of this research was to assess the thermal properties of a new type of indirect moxibustion that employs both moxa and ceramic, as well as to consider its feasibility as an alternative method of thermotherapy.
  • The aim of this study was to examine the thermal properties of a new type of indirect moxibustion and provide initial evidence for further studies. Although there are many reports on the thermal characteristics of moxibustion, most involve direct moxibustion cones and sticks or traditional indirect moxibustion using garlic or ginger.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (24)

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  2. Lee MS, Kang JW, Ernst E. Does moxibustion work? An overview of systematic reviews. BMC Res Notes. 2010 ; 3 : 284. Epub 2010/11/09. 

  3. Li X, Hu J, Wang X, Zhang H, Liu J. Moxibustion and other acupuncture point stimulation methods to treat breech presentation : a systematic review of clinical trials. Chin Med. 2009 ; 4 : 4. Epub 2009/ 02/28. 

  4. Coyle ME, Smith CA, Peat B. Cephalic version by moxibustion for breech presentation. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2005(2) : CD003928. Epub 2005/04/23. 

  5. Cardini F, Weixin H. Moxibustion for correction of breech presentation : a randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 1998 ; 280(18) : 1580-4. Epub 1998/11/20. 

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  7. Kim SY, Chae Y, Lee SM, Lee H, Park HJ. The Effectiveness of Moxibustion : An Overview During 10 Years. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2009. Epub 2009/10/15. 

  8. Li Y, Liang FR, Yu SG, Li CD, Hu LX, Zhou D, Yuan XL, Xia XH. Efficacy of acupuncture and moxibustion in treating Bell's palsy : a multicenter randomized controlled trial in China. Chin Med J(Engl). 2004 ; 117(10) : 1502-6. Epub 2004/10/23. 

  9. Joos S, Brinkhaus B, Maluche C, Maupai N, Kohnen R, Kraehmer N, Hahn EG, Schuppan D. Acupuncture and moxibustion in the treatment of active Crohn's disease : a randomized controlled study. Digestion. 2004 ; 69(3) : 131-9. Epub 2004/ 04/29. 

  10. Park JE, Lee SS, Lee MS, Choi SM, Ernst E. Adverse events of moxibustion : a systematic review. Complement Ther Med. 2010 ; 18(5) : 215-23. Epub 2010/11/09. 

  11. Yi SH. Thermal properties of direct and indirect moxibustion. J Acupunct Meridian Stud. 2009 ; 2(4) : 273-9. Epub 2010/07/17. 

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  13. Kim YH, Lee SH, Yeo SJ, Choe IH, Kim YK, Lim S. The Study on Temperature Measurement for the Standardization of Moxibustion. J Korean Acupunct Moxibustion Soc. 2008 ; 25(2) : 129-38. 

  14. Jang MK, Kim EJ, Jung CY, Yoon EH, Hwang JH, Kim KS, Choi IH, Lee SD. A Study of Comparing Thermal Stimulation between Commercial Indirect Moxibustion and Traditional Indirect Moxibustion. J Korean Acupunct Moxibustion Soc. 2010 ; 27(3) : 35-45. 

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  19. Erasala GN, Rubin JM, Tuthill TA, Fowlkes JB, de Dreu SE, Hengehold DA, Weingand KW. The effect of topical heat treatment on trapezius muscle blood flow using power Doppler ultrasound. Physical Therapy. 2001 ; 81 : A5. 

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  21. Habash RW, Bansal R, Krewski D, Alhafid HT. Thermal therapy, part 1 : an introduction to thermal therapy. Crit Rev Biomed Eng. 2006 ; 34(6) : 459-89. Epub 2007/08/30. 

  22. Nadler SF, Weingand K, Kruse RJ. The physiologic basis and clinical applications of cryotherapy and thermotherapy for the pain practitioner. Pain Physician. 2004 ; 7(3) : 395-9. Epub 2006/07/22. 

  23. Stauffer PR, Goldberg SN. Introduction : thermal ablation therapy. Int J Hyperthermia. 2004 ; 20(7) : 671-7. Epub 2005/01/29. 

  24. Landsberg R, DeRowe A, Katzir A, Shtabsky A, Fliss DM, Gil Z. Laser-induced hyperthermia for treatment of granulation tissue growth in rats. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2009 ; 140(4) : 480-6. Epub 2009/03/31. 

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