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[국내논문] 다양한 환경조건을 가진 토양의 메탄산화세균 군집 특성
Characterization of Methanotrophic Communities in Soils from Regions with Different Environmental Settings 원문보기

한국미생물·생명공학회지 = Korean journal of microbiology and biotechnology, v.40 no.2, 2012년, pp.152 - 156  

김태관 (이화여자대학교 환경공학과) ,  박현정 (이화여자대학교 환경공학과) ,  이상현 (이화여자대학교 환경공학과) ,  김평화 (이화여자대학교 환경공학과) ,  문경은 (이화여자대학교 환경공학과) ,  조경숙 (이화여자대학교 환경공학과)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

서울 근교의 민물 습지(FW), 해수습지(SW), 산림 토양(FS) 그리고 매립지 복토(LS)의 메탄산화세균 군집을 clone library/sequencing 기법을 이용하여 분석하였다. 메탄산화세균인 Methylocaldum, Methlyococcus과 Methylosinus는 FS와 SW에서 풍부하였으며, Methylobacter와 Methylomonas는 FW에서 풍부하였고, Methylocystis와 Methylomicrobium은 LS에서 우점하였다. 메탄 산화가 관찰되기 전까지 필요한 lag phase는 각 토양별로 유의적으로 차이가 있었고, 메탄 산화속도는 $FW{\geq}LS{\geq}SW>FS$순이었다. 이러한 결과들은 토양의 환경조건은 메탄산화세균의 군집과 메탄산화능에 영향을 미치는 중요한 인자임을 시사한다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Methanotrophic communities from freshwater wetland (FW), seawater wetland (SW), forest (FS), and landfill soils (LS) around Seoul of South Korea, were characterized using comparative sequence analyses of clone libraries. Proportions of Methylocaldum, Methlyococcus and Methylosinus were found to be g...


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제안 방법

  • In contrast, methanotrophs in wetland or landfill soils may have lower enzymatic affinity levels since they grow on methane produced in the soils or emitted from the landfills, respectively. The main objective in the present study was to test hypotheses that environmental setting can determine whether a specific type of methanotrophs is present, and that it also can determine methane-oxidation potential of methanotrophs.

대상 데이터

  • oxidation of four different soil environments. Four regions with different environmental settings in the suburbs of Seoul, South Korea, were selected for soil sampling: landfill (Gapyeong, Gyeonggi province), freshwater wetland (Namyanju, Gyeonggi), seawater wetland (Yeongjong island, Incheon) and forest (Ungil mountain, Gyeonggi) in Korea. Five subsamples were collected at a depth of 10 cm from each soil site.
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참고문헌 (20)

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  3. Costello, A. M., A. J. Auman, J. L. Macalady, K. M. Scow, M. E. Lidstrom. 2002. Estimation of methanotroph abundance in a freshwater lake sediment. Environ. Microbiol. 4: 443-450. 

  4. Gebert, J., B. K. Singh, Y. Pan, L. Bodrossy. 2009. Activity and structure of methanotrophic communities in landfill cover soils. Environ. Microbiol. Rep. 1: 414-423. 

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  6. Henckel, T., P. Roslev, R. Conrad. 2000. Effects of $O_2$ and $CH_4$ on presence and activity of the indigenous methanotrophic community in rice field soil. Environ. Microbiol. 2: 666-679. 

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  9. Knief, C., P. F. Dunfield. 2005. Response and adaptation of different methanotrophic bacteria to low methane mixing ratios. Environ. Microbiol. 7: 1307-1317. 

  10. Knief, C., S. Kolb, P. L. E. Bodelier, A. Lipski, P. F. Dunfield. 2006. The active methanotrophic community in hydromorphic soils changes in response to changing methane concentration. Environ. Microbiol. 8: 321-333. 

  11. Knief, C., A. Lipski, P. F. Dunfield. 2003. Diversity and activity of methanotrophic bacteria in different upland soils. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 69: 6703-6714. 

  12. Kolb, S., C. Knief, S. Stubner, R. Conrad. 2003. Quantitative detection of methanotrophs in soil by novel pmoA-targeted real-time PCR assays. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 69: 2423-2429. 

  13. Macalady, J. L., A. M. S. McMillan, A. F. Dickens, S. C. Tyler, K. M. Scow. 2002. Population dynamics of type I and II methanotrophic bacteria in rice soils. Environ. Microbiol. 4: 148-157. 

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  15. Pester, M., M. W. Friedrich, B. Schink, A. Brune. 2004. pmoA-based analysis of methanotrophs in a littoral lake sediment reveals a diverse and stable community in a dynamic environment. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 70: 3138-3142. 

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  20. Wittebolle, L., M. Marzorati, L. Clement, A. Balloi, D. Daffonchio, K. Heylen, P. De Vos, W. Verstraete, N. Boon. 2009. Initial community evenness favours functionality under selective stress. Nature 458: 623-626. 

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