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[국내논문] 포도재배를 위한 친환경 유기농자재의 엽면시비 효과
Foliar Fertilization Effect of Environmentally-Friendly Organic Agricultural Materials for Grape Cultivation 원문보기

韓國土壤肥料學會誌 = Korean journal of soil science & fertilizer, v.45 no.5, 2012년, pp.760 - 763  

문영훈 (전라북도농업기술원) ,  안병구 (전라북도농업기술원) ,  정성수 (전라북도농업기술원) ,  이진호 (전북대학교 생물환경화학과)

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친환경 포도재배를 위하여 농가에서 용이하게 구입 및 제조가 가능한 유기농자재의 효과를 조사한 결과 본 연구에 사용한 농자재의 pH는 4.6이하였고, 아미노산액은 상대적으로 높은 비료성분을 함유하였다. 포도수확기 토양의 pH는 시험초기 (농자재 처리 전)와 비교할 때 감소하였고, EC와 유기물함량은 증가하였으며, 유효인산은 대조구 (관행처리)를 제외하고 증가하였다. 치환성 K는 은행잎추출액 처리구와 대조구, 치환성 Ca는 무처리구와 아미노산용액 처리구에서 감소하였고, 치환성 Mg는 모든 농자재 처리구에서 감소하였다. 포도 잎의 질소 (N) 함량은 chitosan과 아미노산액 처리구, P는 chitosan, 목초액 및 아미노산액 처리구, K는 chitosan과 아미노산액 처리구, Ca은 chitosan 처리구, Mg 함량은 아미노산액 처리구에서 가장 높았다. 포도 수량은 목초액 처리구와 대조구에서 $1,581{\sim}1,583kg\;10^{-1}$로 가장 많았고, 당도는 무처리구를 제외하고 같은 수준을 보였다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study was conducted to investigate foliar treatment effects of organic agricultural materials for the environmentally-friendly cultivation of grape. The organic materials applied were chitosan, wood vinegar (pyroligneous acid), amino acid solution, and ginkgo leaf extract. All the organic mater...


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참고문헌 (14)

  1. Ahn, B.K., Y.H. Moon, Y.R. Rip, and J.H. Lee. 2010. Application of agro-based materials of water dropwort (Oenanthe stolonifere DC) organic farming. Korean J. Org. Agri. 18:83-92. 

  2. Cho, H.J., S.W. Hwang, K.H. Han, H.R. cho, J.H. Shin, and L.Y. Kim. 2009. Physicochemical properties of upland soils under organic farming. Korean J. Soil Sci. Fert. 42(2):98-102. 

  3. Chung, J.B. and Y.J. Lee. 2008. Comparison of soil nutrient status in conventional and organic apple farm. Korean J. Soil Sci. Fert. 41(1):26-33. 

  4. Gee, G.W. and J.W. Bauder. 1986. Particle size analysis. In Method of soil analysis part I. A. Klute (2nd ed.) p. 383-411. American Society of Agronomy, Madison. WI. 

  5. Hwang, K.N., B.G. Kang, W.C. Kim, and S.J. Cho. 1990. Effects of nitrogen lost by compost in paddy soil. Research Report 32. pp. 21-28, Rural Development Administrations, Korea. 

  6. Joo, J.H, J.S. Son, and G.S. Im. 2010. Assessment of soil according to application of public announced organic materials. Proceedings form the Korean Society of Soil Science and Fertilizer Conference, PC-16, p. 304. 

  7. Jung, G.B., B.Y. Kim, K.S. Kim, J.S. Lee, ad I.S. Ryu. 1996. Distribution of heavy metal contents in medicinal plants and soils with soil texture. Korean. J. Soc. Soil Sci. 29:158-164. 

  8. Lee, S.M., H.B. Yun, D.H. Choi, Y.H. Lee, S.H. Kim, Y.J. Lee, and K.H. Kim. 2003. Actual conditions of used materials and nutrient contents of the soil in environmentally friendly tradtional agricultural system. Proceedings form the Korean Society of Soil Science and Fertilizer Conference, p. 160-161. 

  9. NIAST (National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology). 2010. Method of soil and plant analysis. NIAST, Rural Development Administration, Korea. 

  10. Park Y. H., Y. Lee, and C. C. Kim. 2001. Plant nutrient management for major food crop in Korea. Symposium on Integrated Nutrient Management for Environment Friendly Agriculture. UNDP/NIAST, RDA, Korea : 69-124. 

  11. Park Y.H., J.Y. Lee, and C.C. Kim. 1999. Report on survey of fertilizer use amount in farmers field. National Institute of Agricultural Science & Technology, RDA, Korea. 

  12. Park. S.N., K.H. Kim, and J.Y. Kang. 2006. Accuracy and precision of spectrophotometric measurement of clay content in soils. Korean. J. Soc. Soil Sci. 49:153-157. 

  13. RDA (Rural Development Administration). 2003. Standard methods for agricultural experiments. Rural Development Administration. Suwon. Korea. 

  14. RDA (Rural Development Administration). 2010. The standard of fertilizer application on crop species. National Academy of Agricultural Science, RDA, Korea. 

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