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[국내논문] 일부 스케일링환자들의 한국형 스케일링두려움의 정도 및 관련요인
Korean Scaling Fear(KSF-1.1) and related factors in scaling patients 원문보기

JKSDH : Journal of Korean Society of Dental Hygiene = 한국치위생학회지, v.13 no.6, 2013년, pp.977 - 985  

조명숙 (대구보건대학교 치위생과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Objectives : The purpose of the study is to investigate Korean scaling fear (KSF)-1.1 and related factors in scaling patients. Methods : The subjects were 314 scaling patients in 7 dental clinics in Daegu from April to June, 2013. Data were analyzed for simple frequency rate, t-test and ANOVA(Sheffe...


참고문헌 (33)

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