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대상 데이터
The first specimen was deposited in the Laboratory of Marine Bio Education & Research Center, College of Marine Science, Gyeongsang National University (GSNU), Tongyeong, Korea.
The first specimen was deposited in the Laboratory of Marine Bio Education & Research Center, College of Marine Science, Gyeongsang National University (GSNU), Tongyeong, Korea. The second specimen is deposited in the Laboratory of Fisheries, Department of Ocean Science, College of Natural Sciences, Inha University (FSIU), Incheon, Korea. The methods of counts and measurements generally followed methods of Dawson (1985).
Two specimen, were collected eelgrass (Zostera marina) bed of Jisepo bay on Geoje Ialand and Tongyeong, Korea. This specimens were identified as Syngnathoides biaculeatus. The first specimen was deposited in the Laboratory of Marine Bio Education & Research Center, College of Marine Science, Gyeongsang National University (GSNU), Tongyeong, Korea.
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