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Poly Lactic Acid 섬유의 Vat 염료에 대한 염색견뢰도
Color Fastness of PLA Fiber Dyed with Vat Dyes 원문보기

韓國染色加工學會誌 = Textile coloration and finishing, v.25 no.1, 2013년, pp.75 - 81  

정동석 (동의대학교 생활과학연구소) ,  천태일 (동의대학교 패션디자인학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Colorimetric and wash fastness data after repeated wash cycles of Poly Lactic Acid(PLA) fiber were examined with C. I. Vat Blue 1, also other comparing 2 dyes (C. I. Vat Blue 35, C. I. Vat Blue 5), in this study. The fastness of three vat dyes on PLA fiber to repeated washing according to KS K 0430 ...


참고문헌 (10)

  1. H. Y. Lee, Y. J. Choi, E. J. Park, and S. D. Kim, Dyeing Properties of Poly(lactic acid)/Poly (ethylene terephthalate) Union Fabric by Disperse Dyes, Textile Science and Engineering, 47(1), 1 (2010). 

  2. G. H. Koo and J. H. Jang, The Deodorization and Antibacterial Activities of PLA Films Embedded with $TiO_{2}$ Nanoparticles, Textile Coloration and Finishing(J. Korean Soc. Dye. and Finish.), 20(6), 1(2008). 

  3. S. Y. Lee, J. S. Won, J. J. Yoo, W. G. Hahm, and S. G. Lee, Physical Properties of Recycled Polyester Yarns According to Recycling Methods, Textile Coloration and Finishing(J. Korean Soc. Dye. and Finish.), 24(1), 91(2012). 

  4. S. M. Burkinshaw and D. S. Jeong, The Dyeing of Poly(lactic acid) Fibres with Disperse Dyes using Ultrasound Part 2 - Fastness, Dyes and Pigments, 92, 988(2012). 

  5. Y. A. Son and T. K. Kim, The Application of Non-ionic Vat Dye to Polyester Fiber Practical Aspects and Preliminary Studies, Textile Coloration and Finishing(J. Korean Soc. Dye. and Finish.), 15(1), 23(2003). 

  6. J. H. Choi and W. Y. Seo, Coloration of Poly (lactic acid) with Disperse Dyes 1 Comparison to Poly(ethylene terephthalate) of Dyeability, Shade and Fastness, Fibers and Polymers, 7(3), 270(2006). 

  7. Y. K. Jeong, J. H. Lee, and I. H. Kim, Poly (lactic acid) as Eco-Friendly Energy Saving Materials, Fiber Technology and Industry, 12(3), 169(2008). 

  8. K. Kunttou, S. Hongyo, S. Maeda, and K. Mishima, Dyeing Polyester Fabrics with Indigo, Textile Research Journal, 75(2), 149(2005). 

  9. K. Sawada and M. Ueda, Optimization of Dyeing Poly(lactic acid) Fibers with Vat Dyes, Dyes and Pigments, 74, 81(2007). 

  10. Y. S. Shin, D. I. Yoo, and K. W. Kim, Process Balance of Natural Indigo Production Based on Traditional Niram Method, Textile Coloration and Finishing(J. Korean Soc. Dye. and Finish.), 24(4), 253(2012). 

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