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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Body condition score (BCS) is a useful management tool for distinguishing differences in nutritional needs of cows in the herd. Although it is not always possible to quantify the nutrient content of the feed supplied to the donor cow, the nutritional status can be determined by the BCS. The objectiv...


참고문헌 (29)

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  3. Butler WR and Smith RD. 1989. Interrelationships between energy balance and postpartum reproductive function in dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 72:767-783. 

  4. Christensen LG. 1991. Use of embryo transfer in future cattle breeding schemes. Theriogenology 35:141-149. 

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  15. Selk GE, Wettemann RP, lusby KS, Oltjen JW, Moblesy SL, Rasby RJ and Garmendia JC. 1988. Relationship among weight change, body condition and reproductive performance of range beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 66:3153-3159. 

  16. Shea BF, Janzen RE and McDermand DP. 1984. Seasonal variation in response to stimulation and related embryo transfer procedures in Alberta over a nine year period. Theriogenology 21:186-195. 

  17. Smith C. 1984. Genetic improvemet of livestock, using nucleus breeding units. World Animal Review 65:2-10. 

  18. Smith C. 1988. Application of embryo transfer in animal breeding. Theriogenology 29:203-212. 

  19. Son DS, Han MH, Choe CY, Choi SH, Cho SR, Kim HJ, Ruyl IS, Choi SB, Lee SS, Kim YK, Kim SK, Kim SH, Shin KH and Kim IH. 2006. Embryo production in superior Hanwoo donors and embryos transfer. Korean J. Emb. Trans. 21 :147-156. 

  20. Stringfellow DA and Seidel SM. 1998. Manual of the International Embryo Transfer Society. 3rd ed International Embryo Transfer Society Inc Illinois, pp 165-170. 

  21. Takedomi T, Aoyagi Y, Konishi M, Kishi H, Taya K, Watanabe G and Sasamoto S. 1992. Superovulation in Holstein heifers by a single injection of porcine FSH dissolved in polyvinylpyrrolidone. Theriogenology 43:1259-1268. 

  22. Wright IA, Rhind SM, Russel AJF, Whyte TK, Alison J, Mc-Bean and McMillen SR. 1987. Effects of body condition, food intake and temporary calf separation on the duration of the post-partum anoestrous period and associated LH, FSH and prolactin concentrations in beef cows. Anim. Prod. 45:395-402. 

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