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A Study on the Characteristics of Construction Wastes Generated from Demolition of Buildings in the Housing Environment Amelioration District 원문보기

Architectural research, v.15 no.1, 2013년, pp.25 - 33  

Son, Byeung-Hun (Department of Building Equipment and Fire Safety, Daegu Technical University) ,  Hong, Won-Hwa (School of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Kyungpook National University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The amount of construction waste increased to 176,447 ton/day in 2008 from 28,400 ton/day in 2000, a 6-fold increase in just 10 years. Such dramatic increase in the waste of concrete, asphalt concrete, wood and metals was due to demolition of old buildings as well as a great number of building redev...


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제안 방법

  • In terms of distribution of waste wood generation of timber buildings, it showed a negative correlation to generation distribution like waste concrete. Accordingly, this study prepared the distribution again by separating it to 2 types as percentage of waste wood generated according to the total area, and examined the correlation.
  • As a tool to estimate generation volume of construction waste, the basic unit of construction waste is based on building areas and further classified in details according to the building structure type. Accordingly, this study reorganized the generation volume of construction waste per structure or properties of construction waste in order to examine the correlation between the total building floor area and generation of each construction waste. The following Table 5 shows the estimated generation of construction waste per building structure in the survey area.
  • To examine the characteristic factors of construction waste in the housing environment amelioration project where it is generally difficult to predict generation of construction waste during demolition of buildings, this study selected 3 housing environment amelioration districts in Busan metropolitan city and Daegu metropolitan city where Housing Environment Amelioration projects have been actively performed, and surveyed 856 buildings on the field and forecasted the generation volume of construction waste through addition. Among several factors that have affected generation volume of construction waste, this study set the total building floor area that serves as standard of the basic unit for generation volume of construction waste. Figure 1 shows the study process of this study.
  • In this regard, this study predicted the generation of construction waste through addition of each building in the Housing Environment Amelioration district and performed regression analysis on the total building floor area and generation of construction waste per properties of each construction waste. In addition, the study drew the most reasonable sample regression formula through test of goodness-of-fit.
  • Investigators visited each district, measured volume and areas for each material and member, and forecasted the generation volume of construction waste for each member or material with the estimate building construction.
  • To examine the characteristic factors of construction waste in the housing environment amelioration project where it is generally difficult to predict generation of construction waste during demolition of buildings, this study selected 3 housing environment amelioration districts in Busan metropolitan city and Daegu metropolitan city where Housing Environment Amelioration projects have been actively performed, and surveyed 856 buildings on the field and forecasted the generation volume of construction waste through addition. Among several factors that have affected generation volume of construction waste, this study set the total building floor area that serves as standard of the basic unit for generation volume of construction waste.

대상 데이터

  • The lot size at Mandeok district 3 is 12,353m2 and sum of the total floor area of the buildings was 13,850m2. Shincheon District 1-2 is located at Shincheon-dong, Dong-gu, Daegu and consisted of a total of 421 buildings in an area of 58,888.45m2.


  • In this regard, this study predicted the generation of construction waste through addition of each building in the Housing Environment Amelioration district and performed regression analysis on the total building floor area and generation of construction waste per properties of each construction waste. In addition, the study drew the most reasonable sample regression formula through test of goodness-of-fit.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (22)

  1. Enforcement Regulations of Act on the Promotion of Saving and Recycling of Resources (2010) 

  2. The Ministry of Environment, Generation and Treatment Status of National Wastes (2010) 

  3. Korea Recycling, Guideline for Recycling of Construction Wastes and Recycling Plans (1995) 

  4. Seoul Development Institute, (1995) Proper Treatment and Recycling of Construction Wastes 

  5. The Ministry of Construction and Transportation, (1995) A Study on Recycling System of Construction Waste and Recycle Technology Development 

  6. LHI (Housing Institute, Korea Housing Corporation)(I), (1997) A Study on Treatment of Construction Wastes and Recycling Plan 

  7. Korea Institute of Construction Technology, (2000) Construction By-product Utilization Technology 

  8. LHI (Korea Land Corporation), (2000) A Study on Recycling and Treatment of Wastes from Bucheon Sangdong District 

  9. The Ministry of Environment, (2001) A Study on Demand and Detail Design for 2nd Nationwide Waste Statistics Survey 

  10. The Ministry of Environment, (2004) A Study on Calculation of Basic Unit and Separated Collection of Construction Wastes 

  11. The Ministry of Construction and Transportation, (2004) Development of system and demolition technology for improved utilization of demolition debris of apartment house 

  12. The Ministry of Construction and Transportation, (2005) A Study on Quality Evaluation and Management Plan of Recycled Aggregate Concrete 

  13. LHI (Korea Housing Corporation), (2006) Guideline on Management of Wastes at Construction Site 

  14. Korea Recycled Construction Resource Institute, (2006) Technology for production and utilization of construction wastes and recycled aggregates 

  15. The Ministry of Environment, (2006) Basic Plan on Recycling of Construction Wastes 

  16. Korea Environment Institute, (2006) Plans for Resource Recycling Policy for Sustainable Material Management 

  17. The Ministry of Environment, (2008) Comprehensive Measures for Recycling Wastes into Energy 

  18. Construction Waste Recycling Institute, (2006) Policy of Construction Waste Recycling and Trend of Technology Development 

  19. Construction Waste Recycling Institute, (2008) Trend of Technology Development of Construction Waste Recycling Production System for Resource Circulation 

  20. The Ministry of Environment (2010) Collection on International Seminar and Excellent Utilization Contest for Making Global Resource from Construction Wastes 

  21. Korea Institute of Construction Technology, (2009) Standard of Construction Estimation 

  22. Son, Byeung-Hun, Bang, Jong-Dae, and Hong, Won-Hwa, (2006) "A Study on Type of Construction Wastes Generated in Housing Environment Amelioration District for Calculation of Unit Base of Construction Waste" Architectural Institute of Korea 


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