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기후변화대응을 위한 미국 포틀랜드시 기후변화 실천계획의 주요 특성 분석에 관한 연구
Analysis on Climate Action Plans of Portland, Oregon, USA 원문보기

生態環境建築 = Journal of the Korea Institute of Ecological Architecture and Environment, v.13 no.3, 2013년, pp.3 - 13  

최준성 (충남대학교 건축학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

As climate change is increasingly recognised as an important global problem, a wide variety of policies and measures are emerging at global and local level to deal with the challenges from the anthropogenic global warming. While national and inter-national efforts characterized by limiting GHG emiss...


참고문헌 (17)

  1. City of Portland and Multinomah County(2009), Climate Action Plan 2009, http://www.portlandonline.com/bps/ climate, Accessed Dec. 2012 

  2. City of Portland and Multinomah County(2009), Climate Action Plan 2009, Executive Summary, http://www.portlandonline.com/bps/climate, Accessed Dec. 2012 

  3. City of Portland and Multinomah County(2010), Climate Action Plan 2009, One Year Progress Report December 2010, http://www.portlandonline.com/bps/climate, Accessed Dec. 2012 

  4. City of Portland and Multinomah County(2012), Climate Action Plan 2009, Two Year Progress Report April 2012, http://www.portlandonline.com/bps/climate, Accessed Dec. 2012 

  5. City of Portland(2012), Prosperous. Educated. Healthy. Equitable. The Portland Plan 2012 

  6. IPCC(2007)., Climate Change 2007, Synthesis Report 

  7. Kevin C. H.(2010), Peter D. Howe, Howard Greenberg, & Brent Yarnal, A Geographic Approach to Facilitating Local Climate Governance : From Emissions Inventories to Mitigation Planning, Applied Geography 

  8. Office of Sustainable Development & Department of Sustainable Community Development, City of Portland(2001), Local Action Plan on Global Warming 

  9. Office of Sustainable Development(2005), A Progress Report on the City of Portland & Multinomah County Local Action Plan on Global Warming 

  10. Ronald D. Bruner & Robert Klein(1999), Harvesting experience: A reappraisal of the U.S. Climate Change Action Plan, Policy Sciences, 32 

  11. Zhenghong Tang, Samuel D. Brodyb, Courtney Quinnc, Liang Changd & Ting Weia(2010), Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, Vol. 53, No. 1, 

  12. 고재경, 김희선(2010), 지방자치단체 기후변화 취약성 평가에 관한 연구: 경기도 기초지자체를 중심으로, 환경정책, 제18 권, 제2호 

  13. 김강민, 최준성, 오덕성, 기후변화 대응 에너지 자립형 도시 계획에 관한 연구(2011), 한국생태환경건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집, 통권21호 

  14. 반영훈외 5명(2008), 기후변화에 대응한 국토 및 도시개발전략, 대한국토도시계획학회, 도시정보 통권 제318 

  15. 변병설, 채정은(2009), 기후변화대응계획 지표 개발 연구, 국토지리학회지, 제43권 4호 

  16. 에너지경제연구원(2000), 기후변화협약관련 제3차 국가보고서 

  17. 이재준, 최석환(2009), 기후변화 대응을 위한 지구단위계획 차원에서의 탄소완화 계획요소 개발에 관한 연구, 대한국토 도시계획 학회지, 국토계획, 제44권, 제4호 

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