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Makeup Design and the Application of 3D Facial Avatar Makeup Simulation 원문보기

패션비즈니스 = Fashion business, v.18 no.6, 2014년, pp.57 - 66  

Barng, Keejung (Dept. of Beauty and Health Management, Daejeon University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The purpose of this study is to design appropriate digital tools for the production of makeup designs. In this study, we used a three-dimensional facial avatar simulation program developed by the Electronics and Telecommunications Research. This study is based on the creation of three-dimensional CG...


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문제 정의

  • The purpose of this study, beauty experts, special makeup artist, art professional training to take advantage of the media research and education work is to produce. The Design is appropriate digital tools for the production of makeup designs (Choi, Cho, & Choi, 2014).
  • 1) as a follow-up of research training programs take advantage of the design process was applied to the works produced. This research is applicable to any person through the third dimension to the work and K-beauty makeup design incorporating research into Korean culture through the work.
  • The domestic research landscape on digital three-dimensional is scarce, as literature mostly focuses on two-dimensional applications and research. This study applies the characteristics of the limited existing stereoscopic three-dimensional and digital simulation programs in order to take advantage of the empirical research, providing a basis to implement this research in a meaningful way.
  • This is a virtual avatar facial model that researchers have created using special applications of makeup artwork by taking advantage of production tools (Shin & Shin, 2011). This study establishes an academic perspective on the concept of digital cultural technology for understanding and academic interest, could be the cornerstone of widen.
  • This study is based on the creation of three-dimensional CG digital facial avatar makeup art, produced using simulation technology. Art makeup, such as face painting, body painting, and fantasy makeup, is a combination of the practical and artistic aspects of fine art makeup.
  • This study is to design appropriate digital tools for the production of makeup designs. The theoretical background was applied to the formative elements of oriental colors in the design process.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (8)

  1. Kim, E., Sin, S., & Lim, S. (2012). Basic make-up, Seoul: Gyomunsa. 

  2. Choi, Y. (2013). Study on digital illustration for art make-up depend on expression types of surrealism paintings. Journal of the Korean Society of Cosmetology, 19(6), 1015-1027. 

  3. Choi, J., Cho, T., & Choi, S. (2014). Automatic matching of 3d faces and special makeup items for makeup design. Journal KIISE, 41(3). 199-207. 

  4. Lee, S., Kim, H., & Choi, S. (2013). Realistic skin rendering for 3D facial makeup. Journal of Korea Multimedia Society, 16(4), 520-528. 

  5. Moon, J., & Kim, S. (2011). A study of digital makeup techniques, based on a case study of a film. Journal of the Korean Society of Costume, 61(5), 41-63. 

  6. Moon, J. (2012). A study on aged character design process with the aid of 3-dimension computer graphic software. Journal Korea Society of Cosmetology, 18(3), 579-588. 

  7. Shin, W., & Shin, S. (2011). 3D art make up design process utilizing digital drawing technique and special make up. Fashion Business 15(2), 131-144. 

  8. Yoon, S., Hwang, B., Kim, K., Lim, S., Choi, J., & Koo, B. (2012). A survey and trend on 3d face reconstruction technologies. Electronics and Telecommunications Trend, 27(3), 12-21. 


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