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Effect of ethyl alcohol aging on the apatite formation of a low-modulus Ti-7.5Mo alloy treated with aqueous NaOH

Biomaterials and biomedical engineering, v.1 no.1, 2014년, pp.51 - 62  

Ho, Wen-Fu (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Da-Yeh University) ,  Tsou, Hsi-Kai (Department of Neurosurgery, Taichung Veterans General Hospital) ,  Wu, Shih-Ching (Department of Dental Technology and Materials Science, Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology) ,  Hsu, Shih-Kuang (Department of Dental Technology and Materials Science, Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology) ,  Chuang, Shao-Hsuan (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Da-Yeh University) ,  Hsu, Hsueh-Chuan (Department of Dental Technology and Materials Science, Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The purpose of this experiment was to evaluate the apatite-formation abilities of low-modulus Ti-7.5Mo substrates treated with NaOH aqueous solutions and subsequent ethyl alcohol aging before soaking them in simulated body fluid. Specimens of Ti-7.5Mo were initially treated with 5 M NaOH at $60...


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