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[국내논문] Wind tunnel investigation of correlation and coherence of wind loading on generic tall twin buildings in close proximity

Wind & structures, v.18 no.4, 2014년, pp.443 - 456  

Lim, Juntack (Construction Technology Center, Samsung Corporation) ,  Bienkiewicz, Bogusz (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Colorado State University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

A popular modern architectural form for tall buildings is two (or more) towers which are structurally linked through such features as a shared podium or sky-bridges. The fundamental features of the wind loading and the structural links of such buildings can be studied by measuring load components on...


참고문헌 (12)

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  5. Lim, J. and Bienkiewicz, B. (2007), "Wind-induced response of structurally coupled twin tall buildings", Wind Struct., 10(4), 383-398. 

  6. Lim, J., Bienkiewicz, B. and Endo, M. (2006), Investigation of interference and coupling wind effects on tall buildings, Technical Report Submitted to Samsung Corporation, Wind Engineering and Fluids Laboratory, Colorado State University. 

  7. Makino A. and Mataki Y. (1993), "Combination method maximum response in consideration of statistical correlation of wind forces acting on high-rise building: study on rectangular section models", Proceedings of the 1st IAWE European and African Regional Conference, Guernsey, UK. 

  8. Ni, Z.H., He, C.K., Xie, Z.N., Shi, B.Q. and Chen, D.J. (2001), "Experimental test on bridge jointed twin-towered buildings to stochastic wind loads", Wind Struct., 4(1), 63-72. 

  9. Saunders, J.W. and Melbourne, W.H. (1979), "Buffeting effects of upstream buildings", Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Fort Collins, CO, USA. 

  10. Tallin, A. and Ellingwood, B. (1985), "Wind induced lateral-torsional motion of buildings", J. Struct. Eng. - ASCE, 111(10), 2197-2213. 

  11. Thoroddsen, S.T., Peterka, J.A. and Cermak, J.E. (1988), "Correlation of the components of wind-loading on tall buildings", J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerod., 28(1-3), 351-360. 

  12. Xie, J. and Irwin, P.A. (2001), "Wind-induced response of a twin-tower structure", Wind Struct., 4(6), 495-504. 

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