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[국내논문] Effect of Taping on Lumbar Kinematics and Muscle Activities During Typing in Individuals With Nonspecific Chronic Low Back Pain 원문보기

한국전문물리치료학회지 = Physical Therapy Korea, v.22 no.1, 2015년, pp.93 - 102  

Kim, Hyun-A (Dept. of Physical Therapy, The Graduate School, Yonsei University) ,  Kwon, Oh-Yun (Dept. of Physical Therapy, College of Health Science, Yonsei University) ,  Ahn, Sun-Hee (Dept. of Physical Therapy, The Graduate School, Yonsei University) ,  Jeon, In-Cheol (Dept. of Physical Therapy, The Graduate School, Yonsei University) ,  Choung, Sung-Dae (Dept. of Physical Therapy, The Graduate School, Yonsei University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Prolonged sitting can contribute to low back pain. The lumbar taping can be applied to correct the sitting posture. This study aimed to investigate the effect of lumbar taping on lumbar kinematics and the muscle activities of multifidus (MF) and internal oblique in the individuals with nonspecific c...


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문제 정의

  • However, no studies have determined the effect of postural taping on specific spine kinematics and how to influence on deep muscle activities which are important in lumbo-pelvic sitting in individuals with LBP. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of postural taping on changing the value of posture and muscle activities of IO and MF in people with NSCLBP during 30 minutes of typing. We hypothesize that (1) the changing value of change of posture in the lumbar region would be smaller in the taping group compared to the non taping group and (2) an angle of sacrum 2nd posterior tilting (S2P) and pelvic posterior tilt would be smaller in the taping group than in the non taping group and (3) muscle activities of IO and MF would be significantly decreased in the non taping group.

가설 설정

  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of postural taping on changing the value of posture and muscle activities of IO and MF in people with NSCLBP during 30 minutes of typing. We hypothesize that (1) the changing value of change of posture in the lumbar region would be smaller in the taping group compared to the non taping group and (2) an angle of sacrum 2nd posterior tilting (S2P) and pelvic posterior tilt would be smaller in the taping group than in the non taping group and (3) muscle activities of IO and MF would be significantly decreased in the non taping group.
  • Second, we used surface EMG for measuring MF and IO activities but some of the studies suggested using invasive technique to measure the deeper muscles because of difficulty in measuring local muscles (Drysdale et al, 2004). Third, the taping effect on sensory feedback has not been studied enough. Further study is required for an investigation of pain in long term effects and an influence of sensory feedback.
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참고문헌 (27)

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