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[국내논문] High Frame Rate VGA CMOS Image Sensor using Three Step Single Slope Column-Parallel ADCs 원문보기

Journal of semiconductor technology and science, v.15 no.1, 2015년, pp.22 - 28  

Lee, Junan (Dept. of Electronic Engineering, Sogang University) ,  Huang, Qiwei (Dept. of Electronic Engineering, Sogang University) ,  Kim, Kiwoon (Dept. of Electronic Engineering, Sogang University) ,  Kim, Kyunghoon (Dept. of Electronic Engineering, Sogang University) ,  Burm, Jinwook (Dept. of Electronic Engineering, Sogang University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This paper proposes column-parallel three step Single Slope Analog-to-Digital Converter (SS-ADC) for high frame rate VGA CMOS Image Sensors (CISs). The proposed three step SS-ADC improves the sampling rate while maintaining the architecture of the conventional SS-ADC for high frame rate CIS. The sam...


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제안 방법

  • A DAC based ramp generator is shared by all ADCs. The basic concept of the proposed circuit is to store the ramp value in the 1st hold capacitor (CH1 in Fig. 1) at the moment of changing the comparator output during the 1st ADC step, and then using the stored value as an offset voltage of the coarse ramp signal during the 2nd ADC step. In the 2nd ADC step, the 2nd ramp value are stored in the 2nd hold capacitor (CH2 in Fig.
  • The designed VGA CIS consists of a row decoder, a band- gap reference (BGR), a column multiplexer (MUX), a current DAC based single ramp generator, VGA pixels, and 640 three-step SS-ADCs. Each of the three-step SS- ADC structure was designed to allow a 12 bit A/D conversion that is composed of 6 bit, 5 bit, and 3 bit decision levels for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd conversions, respectively. To reduce the error of between steps, a digital error correction scheme (redundancy calibration) is utilized.

대상 데이터

  • 2. The designed VGA CIS consists of a row decoder, a band- gap reference (BGR), a column multiplexer (MUX), a current DAC based single ramp generator, VGA pixels, and 640 three-step SS-ADCs. Each of the three-step SS- ADC structure was designed to allow a 12 bit A/D conversion that is composed of 6 bit, 5 bit, and 3 bit decision levels for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd conversions, respectively.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (9)

  1. C. C. Wang, "A Study of CMOS Technologies for image sensor Applications," Thesis of the Ph.D in MIT, August 2001, pp.23-24. 

  2. A. El Gamal and H. Eltoukhy, "CMOS image sensors," IEEE Circuits Devices Mag., vol. 21, no. 3, May-Jun. 2005, pp. 6-20 

  3. Nakamura, J., "Image Sensors and Signal Processing for Digital Still Cameras;" Taylor & Francis: London, UK, 2006; pp. 144-178. 

  4. Seunghyun Lim, Jeonghwan Lee, Dongsoo Kim and Gunhee Han, "A High-Speed CMOS Image Sensor With Column-Parallel Two-Step Single-Slope ADCs," IEEE Electron Devices, vol. 56, no. 3, March 2009, pp. 393-398. 

  5. S. Lim, J. Cheon, S. Ham, and G. Han, "A new Correlated Double Sampling and Single slope ADC circuit for CMOS Image Sensors," in Proc. Int. SoC Des. Conf., Seoul, Korea, Oct. 2004, pp. 129-131. 

  6. P. E. Allen, D. R. Holberg, "CMOS Analog Circuit Design," Oxford University Press, 2002. 

  7. Martijn F.Snoeij, Albert J. P. Theuwissen, Kofi A. A.Makinwa, Johan H. Huijsing "Multiple Ramp Column-Parallel ADC Architectures for CMOS Image Sensors" IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 42, no. 12, Dec 2007, pp. 2968-2977 

  8. Yeonseong Hwang and Minkyu song, "Design of a CMOS Image Sensor Based on a 10-bit Two-Step Single-Slope ADC" Journal of semiconductor technology and science, vol. 14, no. 2, Apr 2014, pp. 246-251 

  9. Y. Yoshihara et al. "A 1/1.8-inch 6.4 MPixel 60frames/s CMOS Image Sensor with seamless mode change," IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 41, Dec 2006, pp. 2998-3006 

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