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다층용접한 저합금 용접금속의 강도와 인성에 미치는 입열량 및 예열/패스간 온도의 영향
Effects of Heat Input and Preheat/interpass Temperature on Strength and Impact Toughness of Multipass Welded Low Alloy Steel Weld Metal 원문보기

韓國海洋工學會誌 = Journal of ocean engineering and technology, v.29 no.6, 2015년, pp.481 - 487  

방국수 (부경대학교 신소재시스템공학과) ,  정호신 (부경대학교 재료공학과) ,  박찬 (부경대학교 재료공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The effects of the heat input and preheat/interpass temperatures on the tensile strength and impact toughness of multipass welded weld metal were investigated and interpreted in terms of the recovery of the alloying elements and microstructure. Increases in both the heat input and preheat/interpass ...


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AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

문제 정의

  • 이 경우 용접금속 인성은 단순히 용접금속 조직 이외에 WM-HAZ의 형성 정도에도 영향을 받을 것으로 생각된다. 본 연구에서는 다층용접 시 입열량과 예열/패스간 온도 이외에 WM-HAZ 형성이 용접금속 충격인성에 미치는 영향도 함께 조사하였다.
  • (2006)은 고장력강을 다층 용접한 경우 예열/패스간 온도의 증가는 입열량 증가와 동일한 조직변화를 나타내어 인장강도를 감소시킨다고 하였다. 본 연구에서는 다층용접 시 입열량과 예열/패스간 온도가 와이어 합금원소 회수율, 용접금속 조직, 그리고 강도에 미치는 영향을 비교하였다.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (12)

  1. Bang, K.-S., Jung, D.-H., Park, C., Chang, W.-S., 2008. Effects of Welding Parameters on Tensile Strength of Weld Metal in Flux Cored Arc Welding. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 13(6), 509-514. 

  2. Byun, J.-C., Bang, K.-S., Chang, W.-S., Park, C.-G., Chung, W.-H., 2006. Effects of Heat Input and Interpass Temperature on the Strength and Impact Toughness of Multipass Weld Metal in 570MPa Grade Steel. Journal of Korean Welding and Joining Society, 24(1), 64-69 (in Korean). 

  3. Dixon, B., Hakansson, K., 1995. Effects of Welding Parameters on Weld Zone Toughness and Hardness in 690MPa Steel. Welding Journal, 74(4), 122s-132s. 

  4. Evans, G.M., 1982. The Effect of Heat Input on the Microstructure and Properties of C-Mn All-Weld-Metal Deposits. Welding Journal, 61(4), 125s-132s. 

  5. Gianetto, J.A., Smith, N.J., McGrath, J.T., Bowker, J.T., 1992. Effect of Composition and Energy Input on Structure and Properties of High-Strength Weld Metals. Welding Journal, 71(11), 407s-419s. 

  6. Grong, O., 1994. Metallurgical Modelling of Welding. The Institute of Materials, London. 

  7. Mukai, A., Nakano, T., Okamoto, H., Morita, K., 2000. Investigation on MAG Welding Wires for Building Structure. Steel Construction Engineering, 7(26), 13-25 (in Japanese). 

  8. Schumann, G.O., 1995. The Influence of Welding Variables on Weld Metal Mechanical and Microstructural Properties from Conventional and Microalloyed Rutile Flux-Cored Wires. Trends in Welding Research, June, 525-534. 

  9. Tsukamoto, M., Hatano, I., Tsuji, K., Murata, Y., Ichinohe., Y., 2003. Features of the Newly Developed Soild Wire for CO 2 Gas Shielded Arc Welding under Large Heat Input and High Interpass Temperature Conditions. Welding Technology, 51(12), 93-98 (in Japanese). 

  10. Vercesi, J., Surian, E., 1996. The Effect of Welding Parameters on High Strength SMAW All-Weld-Metal - Part 1: AWS E11018-M. Welding Journal, 75(6), 191s-196s. 

  11. Vercesi, J., Surian, E., 1998. The Effect of Welding Parameters on High Strength SMAW All-Weld-Metal - Part 2: AWS E10018-M and E12018-M. Welding Journal, 77(4), 164s-171s. 

  12. Yokoyama, Y., 2003. The Welding Methods for the Requirement of High-Quality Weld in the Steel Building Fabrication. Welding Technology, 51(8), 80-88 (in Japanese). 

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