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[국내논문] Investigation of Reflectance Distribution and Trend for the Double Ray Located in the Northwest of Tycho Crater 원문보기

Journal of astronomy and space sciences, v.32 no.2, 2015년, pp.161 - 166  

Yi, Eung Seok (Chungnam National University) ,  Kim, Kyeong Ja (Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources) ,  Choi, Yi Re (Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources) ,  Kim, Yong Ha (Chungnam National University) ,  Lee, Sung Soon (Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources) ,  Lee, Seung Ryeol (Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Analysis of lunar samples returned by the US Apollo missions revealed that the lunar highlands consist of anorthosite, plagioclase, pyroxene, and olivine; also, the lunar maria are composed of materials such as basalt and ilmenite. More recently, the remote sensing approach has enabled reduction of ...


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제안 방법

  • Among lunar topographies, the lunar crater rays developed from impact craters and their ejecta have been of interest to scientists for a long time. In order to find out the composition of these lunar features, analyses were performed on the samples obtained from the lunar landing sites and other sites nearby, to determine the lunar composition (Turkevich 1973; Wieczorek et al. 2006). However, after application of remote sensing technology, it was possible to develop a map of the composition and mineral distribution of the entire lunar surface, using the data from satellites orbiting the Moon.
  • However, after application of remote sensing technology, it was possible to develop a map of the composition and mineral distribution of the entire lunar surface, using the data from satellites orbiting the Moon. This technology provides several advantages: fast and easy data acquisition, comparison of relative ages using reflectance, and enabling investigation of wide areas. Remote sensing has become an essential part of planetary exploration and the more detailed investigations are being performed for topographic features from large scales (lunar highlands or lunar maria) to the scale of lava tubes fit for human survival (Hong et al.
  • is the maximum value of the 950 nm/750 nm ratio. Investigation of the study area was performed based on the data indicating the 750 nm reflectance, 950 nm/750 nm reflectance ratio, and optical maturity image file obtained from ENVI.
  • There are several advantages in obtaining the reflectance data through remote sensing: enabling topographical analysis of study sites, reducing the time needed for geological investigation, and enabling investigation of wide areas at a time. In this paper, an investigation was performed for sites from the scale of the double ray located in the northwest of the Tycho crater, to the scale of a typical crater, based on the degree of reflectance. It was found that the trend of reflectance distribution was similar for these sites.


  • For research on the origin of lunar rays, the wavelength data required to calculate the optical maturity were obtained from image editing and analysis tool (Exelis Visual Information Solution: ENVI), the data of the Multiband Imager (MI) onboard the Japanese lunar probe called the SELenological and ENgineering Explorer, or SELENE (Kodama et al. 2010). The equation to determine optical maturity (Eq.
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참고문헌 (9)

  1. Grier JA, McEwen AS, Lucey PG, Milazzo M, Storm RG, Optical maturity of ejecta from large rayed craters, J. Geophys. Res. 106, 32847-32862 (2001). http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/1999JE001160 

  2. Hawke BR, Blewett DT, Lucey PG, Smith GA, Bell III JF, et al., The origin of lunar crater rays, Icarus 170, 1-16 (2004). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2004.02.013 

  3. Hong IS, Yi Y, Kim E, Lunar Pit Crater Presumed to be the Entrances of Lava Caves by Analogy to the Earth Lava Tube Pits, J. Astron. Space Sci. 31, 131-140 (2014). http://dx.doi.org/10.5140/JASS.2014.31.2.131 

  4. Kodama S, Ohtake M, Yokota Y, Iwasaki A, Haruyama J, et al., Characterization of Multiband Imager Aboard SELENE, Space Sci. Rev. 154, 79-102 (2010). http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11214-010-9661-z 

  5. Lucey PG, Blewett DT, Taylor GJ, Hawke BR, Imaging of lunar surface maturity, J. Geophys. Res. 105, 20377-20386 (2000). http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/1999JE001110 

  6. Ohtake M, Haruyama J, Matsunaga T, Yokota Y, Morota T, et al., Performance and scientific objectives of the SELENE (KAGUYA) Multiband Imager, Earth, Planets Space 60, 257-264 (2008). http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/BF03352789 

  7. Pieters CM, Adams JB, Mouginis-Mark PJ, Zisk SH, Smith MO, et al., The nature of crater rays: The Copernicus example, J. Geophys. Res. 90, 12393-12413 (1985). http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/JB090iB14p12393 

  8. Turkevich AL, Average chemical composition of the lunar surface, Moon 8, 365-367 (1973). http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF00581730 

  9. Wieczorek MA, Jolliff BL, Khan A, Pritchard ME, Weiss BP, et al., The Constitution and Structure of the Lunar Interior, Rev. Mineral. Geochem. 60, 221-364 (2006). http://dx.doi.org/10.2138/rmg.2006.60.3 

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