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Estimation of the critical current of race-track HTS magnet considering angular dependency 원문보기

Progress in superconductivity and cryogenics : PSAC, v.17 no.3, 2015년, pp.47 - 50  

Lee, Kyubong (Changwon National University) ,  Sim, Kideok (Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute) ,  Lee, Changyoung (Korea Railroad Research Institute) ,  Kim, Seokho (Changwon National University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The high temperature superconducting (HTS) magnet has been developed for the high magnetic field applications such as NMR, MRI and other industrial machinery. In designing process of these HTS magnets, the accurate estimation on the critical current (Ic) is essential to predict and secure the electr...


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제안 방법

  • An FEM model to implement the method was set up with COMSOL multi-physicsTM including the mathematical procedure for calculating the incidence angle of magnetic field.
  • In this paper, a method for estimating the critical current of HTS magnet considering the angular dependency of 2G HTS tapes is introduced. And the estimation results will be compared with that of previous one in which only the perpendicular magnetic field is considered.
  • The HTS magnet was designed to satisfy the performance requirements of a field coil for linear motor rail way system. Nevertheless, the detail requirement of the field coil is not referred in accordance with the purpose of this study - the estimation of critical current of HTS magnet.

대상 데이터

  • 25 mm thickness). It is composed of three double pancake coils (6 single pancake coils).


  • 2. Model for finite element method An FEM model was set up with COMSOL multi-physicsTM for calculating the magnetic field and estimating the critical current of the race track magnet. The operating current of 136A was applied.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (2)

  1. Chang Young Lee et al., "Conceptual Design of Superconducting Linear Synchronous Motor for 600-km/h Wheel-Type Railway," IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity : a publication of the IEEE Superconductivity Committee, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 1-4, 2014. 

  2. J. Kluhspies, "Prospects and limitations of high-speed Maglev systems: Aspects of an interdisciplinary approach," in Proc. 20th Conf. Magnet. Levitated Syst. Linear Drives, San Diego, no. 139, 2008. 

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