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기상조건에 따른 서남해 해상풍력 실증단지 작업시간 분석
Analysis of Working Time at the Test Site of Southwest Offshore Wind Project in Korea Based on Weather Window 원문보기

한국해안·해양공학회논문집 = Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers, v.27 no.5, 2015년, pp.358 - 363  

김민석 (KEPCO Research Institute) ,  김지영 (KEPCO Research Institute) ,  곽지영 (KEPCO Research Institute) ,  강금석 (KEPCO Research Institute)

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서남해 해상풍력 실증단지 건설의 기초단계로 실증단지 예정부지에서 해상작업가능시간을 산정하고 분석하였다. 활용 자료로는 해모수 기상타워의 해양 및 기상자료와 기상청 수치모델 자료이다. 해상작업이 가능한 파고와 풍속 기준을 선정하고 기준별 작업시간을 산정한 결과 계절적으로는 고파랑이 지나가는 겨울의 작업시간이 봄, 가을보다 적은 것으로 나타났고 여름의 경우 작업시간이 가장 많은 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 월별로는 7,9월보다 5,6,8월에 가장 많은 작업시간이 나타났다. 그리고 파고1.5 m와 풍속 8 m/s 이상의 기상조건에서는 파고와 풍속이 증가하더라도 작업시간은 크게 변하지 않는 것을 확인할 수 있었다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

As a preparation process for successful establishment of demonstration offshore wind farm, analyses have been made for working time at the construction site where working time is defined as the time available for marine operation to take place under given weather conditions. Data used are hourly wav...


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제안 방법

  • (1997) used the wave data in Pohang harbor to calculate the downtime. In their study, waves with different wave periods and types were used and their effects on downtime were calculated. Kim et al.
  • Working time is defined as the time available for marine operation to take place under given weather window and weather window is the criteria under which marine operations can be carried out. In this study, working time is analyzed based on weather window considering wave height and wind speed at demonstration offshore wind farm site in South Western part of Korea.

대상 데이터

  • Data used in this study are the observation data from HeMOSU-1 (wind and wave data for 2014) and numerical model data from KMA (Korea Meteorological Administration) from 2009 to 2014. HeMOSU-1 has got instruments at different heights to enhance the accurate simulation of wind, wind turbine activities, and wave/tides and in this study, working time is calculated based on wave height and wind speed only.
  • 5 m and 15 m/s respectively. With the weather window, 5 cases for wave and wind are selected and total combination of 25 cases were used in this study, Test cases for weather window is shown in Table 1. Note that through out this study, working hour is calculated with weather window during 08:00 to 18:00 KST.
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참고문헌 (5)

  1. Braam, H. and Eecen, P.J. (2005). Assessment of wind and wave data measured at IJmuiden Munitiestortplaats. "Operation and Maintenance" consortium. 

  2. Jung, W.M., Oh, S.B., Chae, J.W. and Kim, S.I. (1997). Analysis of the wave-induced downtime for Pohang New Harbor. Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers, 9(1), 24-34 (in Korean). 

  3. Kim, J.K., Kim, J.Y. and Lee, J.S. (2012). Analysis on Offshore Working Time of Demonstration Offshore Wind Farm in the Southern Part of West Sea. Korea Wind Energy Association. 

  4. O&M aspects of the 500MW offshore wind farm at NL7, DOWEC project report, 2002. 

  5. Regulations on industrial safety standards, Ministry of Labor, 2006. 


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