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3대문화권 사업 계획의 역사문화적 진정성 평가 - 한국문화테마파크 영주지구와 세계유교선비문화공원 봉화지구를 대상으로 -
The Evaluation of Historical and Cultural Authenticity of the Three Major Cultural Areas Projects - Targeting Korean culture theme park in Yeongju-Zone and World confucian scholar culture park in Bonghwa-Zone - 원문보기

농촌계획 : 韓國農村計劃學會誌, v.22 no.1, 2016년, pp.25 - 35  

정경아 (서울시립대학교 도시과학대학원 조경학과) ,  소현수 (서울시립대학교 조경학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study targets Korean culture theme park in Yeongju-Zone and World confucian scholar culture park in Bonghwa-Zone among the Three Major Cultural Areas Projects supervised by Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. The study analyzes the Historical and Cultural Authenticity of each project on th...


참고문헌 (21)

  1. Bonghwa-Gun, 2014, Report on Specification of Development Promotion District and Detailed Design on Seonbisansutambangro Trail at World Confucian Scholar Culture Park in Bonghwa-Zone, Bonghwa-Gun : Gyeongsangbukdo. 

  2. Byun, C. B., 2012, Authenticity of Tourist Experience and Everyday life, The Journal of Humanities, 29 : 141-160. 

  3. Chae, M. O., Cha, M. S. and Mun, J. H., 2012, Research on Capacity Improvement of Historic Culture on Country & Culture Zone Project. Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements : Anyang City. 

  4. Cho, H. K., 2009, Study on Establishing Indicators for Tourism Destination Development in Confucian Cultural Areas, Master's Thesis, Kyung Hee University. 

  5. Cho, T. Y., 2008, The Effect of Cultural Tour Experience on Authenticity, Tourism Satisfaction, and Quality of Life, Doctor's Thesis, Dongguk University. 

  6. Chung, K. W., 2007, A Study for the Confucianism cultural area at North GyeongBuk to the Regionalbalanced Development Policies' Effectiveness, Master's Thesis, Korea University. 

  7. Kim, D. H., 2014, Sociological Research on Authenticity Tourism : Imagination and Practice of Korean, Master's Thesis, Seoul National University. 

  8. Kim, Y. R. and Chung, B. W., 2014, A Critical Review of Existential Authenticity in Tourism Annals of Tourism Research, The Tourism Sciences Society of Korea 38(5) : 79-99. 

  9. Korea Culture & Tourism Institute, 2006, Research on Guideline Setting of Tourism Demanding Forecasting. Korea Culture & Tourism Institute : Seoul. 

  10. Lee, G. M. and Kim, H. B., 2004, The Plan & Management of Urban Landscape, Munwundang : Seoul. 

  11. Lee, S., 2006, The Trees & Flowers We have lived with, Korean Traditional Planting. Surusanbang Jungsim : Seoul. 

  12. Lee, S. S., 2010, A study on the Effect of the Feeling of Authenticity on Tourist Satisfaction with Cultural Destinations and Cultural Experiences : Focused on the Namsangol Hanok Aillage, Master's Thesis, Kyung Hee University. 

  13. Lee, T. J., 2009, Policy Alternatives of the Silla Heritage Resources Development for International Competitive Advantage, Korean Policy Science Review, 13(1) : 235-261. 

  14. Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, 2010, Basic Design and Basic Plan for the Cultural and Ecological Infrastructure Establishment for Three Major Cultural Areas. Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism : Seoul. 

  15. Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, 2014, Interim Evaluation Research for the Cultural and Ecological Infrastructure Establishment for Three Major Cultural Areas. Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism : Seoul. 

  16. Nam, C. H., 2005, A Study on the Confucian-Cultural Area Tourism Development Programs(2001-2010) in the Northern GyeongBuk, Korean Public Administration Quarterly 7(2) : 527-553. 

  17. Park, E. K., 2013, The Effect of Authenticity in Cultural Heritage Tourism on Tourist's Satisfaction and Loyalty : Focused on Hahoe Village, Doctor's Thesis, Jeju National University. 

  18. Shin, B. M., 2009, The Effect of Cultural Properties Historical Cultural Attribute on the Value as a Tourism Resources, Master's Thesis, Sejong University. 

  19. Yeongju City, 2013, Development Plan Documentation for Korean Cultural Theme Park(Yeongju Zone) at Newly Development District & Development Promotion District in Baekdudaegan Region, Gyeongsangbukdo. Yeongju City : Gyeongsangbukdo. 

  20. Doosan Encyclopedia(http://www.doopedia.co.kr) 

  21. Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea Homepage (http://www.cha.go.kr) 

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