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[국내논문] Anti-inflammatory and antifatigue effect of Korean Red Ginseng in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease 원문보기

Journal of ginseng research = 高麗人參學會誌, v.40 no.3, 2016년, pp.203 - 210  

Hong, Meegun (Department of Internal Medicine, Hallym University College of Medicine) ,  Lee, Yoon Hyeong (Department of Internal Medicine, Hallym University College of Medicine) ,  Kim, Seungwoo (Department of Biomedical Science, Hallym University College of Medicine) ,  Suk, Ki Tae (Department of Internal Medicine, Hallym University College of Medicine) ,  Bang, Chang Seok (Department of Internal Medicine, Hallym University College of Medicine) ,  Yoon, Jai Hoon (Department of Internal Medicine, Hallym University College of Medicine) ,  Baik, Gwang Ho (Department of Internal Medicine, Hallym University College of Medicine) ,  Kim, Dong Joon (Department of Internal Medicine, Hallym University College of Medicine) ,  Kim, Myong Jo (College of Agriculture and Life Science, Kangwon National University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Background: Korean Red Ginseng (KRG) is a well-known natural product with anticarcinogenic and antioxidant effects. We evaluated the antifatigue effect of KRG in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Methods: Eighty patients with NAFLD were prospectively randomized to receive 3 wk ...


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문제 정의

  • This study is a clinical trial that evaluated fatigue and other outcomes in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Therefore, we assumed the sample size by calculating with the difference of 0.
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참고문헌 (34)

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