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[국내논문] Safety and antifatigue effect of Korean Red Ginseng: a randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled clinical trial 원문보기

Journal of ginseng research = 高麗人參學會誌, v.43 no.4, 2019년, pp.676 - 683  

Zhang, Li (School of Pharmacy, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine) ,  Chen, Xiaoyun (Department of Rheumatology, LongHua Hospital Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine) ,  Cheng, Yanqi (Prevention and Health Care Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Department of Rheumatology, LongHua Hospital Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine) ,  Chen, Qilong (Research Center for TCM Complexity System, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine) ,  Tan, Hongsheng (School of Pharmacy, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine) ,  Son, Dongwook (Korea Ginseng Corporation) ,  Chang, Dongpill (Korea Ginseng Corporation) ,  Bian, Zhaoxiang (Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Clinical Study Centre, School of Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong Baptist University) ,  Fang, Hong (Prevention and Health Care Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Department of Rheumatology, LongHua Hospital Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine) ,  Xu, Hongxi (School of Pharmacy, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Background: Korean Red Ginseng (KRG) is widely used for strengthening the immune system and fighting fatigue, especially in people with deficiency syndrome. However, there is concern that the long-term application or a high dose of KRG can cause "fireness" (上火 in Chinese) because of it...


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문제 정의

  • This study assesses the safety and efficacy of KRG treatment in participants with deficiency syndrome. First, we examined the fire-heat symptom score as our primary outcome.
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참고문헌 (38)

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