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[국내논문] Tree-ring Dating of The Palsangjeon Wooden Pagoda at The Beopjusa Temple in Boeun, South Korea 원문보기

목재공학 = Journal of the Korean wood science and technology, v.44 no.4, 2016년, pp.515 - 525  

Jeong, Hyun-Min (Tree-Ring Material Bank, Chungbuk National University) ,  Kim, Yojung (Tree-Ring Material Bank, Chungbuk National University) ,  Kim, Ji-Young (Conservation Laboratory, Gongju National Museum) ,  Seo, Jeong-Wook (Department of Wood and Paper Science, Chungbuk National University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The Palsangjeon Pagoda is a five-story wooden building in the Beopjusa Temple area in the Songnisan national park in Chungcheongbuk-do, Korea. According to historical records, it was constructed in either AD 1605 or AD 1626. To specify the construction year more precisely, we took 41 wood samples fo...


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  • 01 mm under a stereomicroscope (Nikon SMZ800). All data obtained were imported to the program TSAP-Win (RINNTECH, Germany) to exam the accuracy of cross-dating based on graph and statistics.
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참고문헌 (23)

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