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[해외논문] Leaf flushing and shedding, bud and flower production, and stem elongation in tall birch trees subjected to increases in aboveground temperature

Trees : structure and function, v.30 no.5, 2016년, pp.1535 - 1541  

Nakamura, Masahiro ,  Makoto, Kobayashi ,  Tanaka, Motonobu ,  Inoue, Taiki ,  Son, Yowhan ,  Hiura, Tsutom

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Tall birch trees allocate extra resource due to aboveground temperature elevation to bud and male flower production rather than to plant growth. Saplings increased only plant growth under warming. Size-dependent response should be considered. We experimentally heated canopy organs of tall birch tree...

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