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Journal of the Korean astronomical society = 천문학회지, v.49 no.4, 2016년, pp.163 - 173  

LEE, KI-WON (Institute of Liberal Education, Catholic University of Daegu) ,  MIHN, BYEONG-HEE (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute) ,  AHN, YOUNG SOOK (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute) ,  AHN, SANG-HYEON (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this paper, we study the lunar eclipse records in the Goryeosa (History of the Goryeo Dynasty), an official history book of the Goryeo dynasty (A.D. 918 - 1392). In the history book, a total of 228 lunar eclipse accounts are recorded, covering the period from 1009 to 1392. However, we find that t...


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제안 방법

  • In this study, we analyze the the lunar eclipse accounts recorded in the Goryeosa based on modern astrodynamic calculations. This paper is organized as follows.
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참고문헌 (19)

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  16. Stephenson, F. R. 2007, Variations in the Earth’s Clock Error ΔT between AD 300 and 800 as Deduced from Observations of Solar and Lunar Eclipses, JAHH, 10, 211 

  17. Stephenson, F. R. 2008, Historical Eclipses and Earth's Rotation (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) 

  18. Standish, E. M., Newhall, X. X., Williams, J. G., & Folkner, W. F. 1997, JPL Planetary and Lunar Ephemeris (CD-ROM) (Richmond: Willmann-Bell, Inc.) 

  19. Urban, S. E., & Seidelmann, P. K. 2013, Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac (Mill Valley: University Science Books) 

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