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Arabidopsis thaliana as Bioindicator of Fungal VOCs in Indoor Air 원문보기

Mycobiology, v.44 no.3, 2016년, pp.162 - 170  

Lee, Samantha (Department of Plant Biology and Pathology, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey) ,  Hung, Richard (Department of Biology, Kean University) ,  Yin, Guohua (Department of Plant Biology and Pathology, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey) ,  Klich, Maren A. (Southern Regional Research Laboratory) ,  Grimm, Casey (Southern Regional Research Laboratory) ,  Bennett, Joan W. (Department of Plant Biology and Pathology, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this paper, we demonstrate the ability of Arabidopsis thaliana to detect different mixtures of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted by the common indoor fungus, Aspergillus versicolor, and demonstrate the potential usage of the plant as a bioindicator to monitor fungal VOCs in indoor air. We...


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문제 정의

  • In this paper, we demonstrate Arabidopsis’ ability to respond to VOCs emitted by common indoor mold, (Aspergillus versicolor) and demonstrate the potential of this plant for use as a bioindicator to monitor toxigenic mold VOCs in indoor air.
  • The usage of plants as bioindicators and as part of ecological risk assessment of various pollutants has a long history[25, 26]. The purpose of our study was to determine if Arabidopsis thaliana was sensitive enough to detect subtle differences in the volatile production of two Aspergillus strains and to understand the volatile specific responses of the fungal VOCs. Our results demonstrate that Arabidopsis thaliana has the potential to be used a bioindicator to assess potentially toxigenic fungal VOCs in indoor air.
  • Volatile detection has been used as an indirect marker to indicate the presence of Aspergillus species and other molds in indoor environments of stored agricultural crops [4]. To our knowledge, this report is the first to show that VOCs from A. versicolor can have an impact on plant growth and seed germination. We also demonstrate that there is a potential for developing plants to monitor indoor air quality.

가설 설정

  • Different isolates and strains of a given species often produce different volatile profiles. We hypothesized that Arabidopsis is sensitive to the differences in fungal volatile production, leading to distinct plant responses. Our study had three goals.
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참고문헌 (31)

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