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[국내논문] Effects of maleic anhydride content on mechanical properties of carbon fibers-reinforced maleic anhydride-grafted-poly-propylene matrix composites 원문보기

Carbon letters, v.20, 2016년, pp.39 - 46  

Kim, Hyun-Il (R&D Division, Korea Institute of Carbon Convergence Technology) ,  Han, Woong (R&D Division, Korea Institute of Carbon Convergence Technology) ,  Choi, Woong-Ki (R&D Division, Korea Institute of Carbon Convergence Technology) ,  Park, Soo-Jin (Department of Chemistry, Inha University) ,  An, Kay-Hyeok (Department of Nano & Advanced Materials Engineering, Jeonju University) ,  Kim, Byung-Joo (R&D Division, Korea Institute of Carbon Convergence Technology)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this work, the effects of maleic anhydride (MA) content on mechanical properties of chopped carbon fibers (CFs)-reinforced MA-grafted-polypropylene (MAPP) matrix composites. A direct oxyfluorination on CF surfaces was applied to increase the interfacial strength between the CFs and MAPP matrix. T...


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문제 정의

  • The objective of this work is to investigate and compare the effects of MA content on mechanical properties of oxyfluorinated carbon fibers-reinforced MAPP matrix composites. The mechanical and morphological properties of carbon fibers/MAPP composites are likely to be different from those of MAPP in terms of MA content.
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