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薏苡仁散 투여 후 호전된 사마귀 환자 1례 보고
A Clinical Report of the Effect of Uiin-san on a Wart Patient 원문보기

대한한방내과학회지 = The journal of internal Korean medicine, v.37 no.5, 2016년, pp.704 - 710  

정호영 (대전대학교 한의과대학 신계내과학교실) ,  조충식 (대전대학교 한의과대학 신계내과학교실)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Objective: To examine the effectiveness of Uiin-san (薏苡仁散) as a treatment for viral warts. Methods: A 24-year-old man with warts on the left toe, both fingertips, and face was treated with acupuncture, moxibustion, and Uiin-san for 35 days. Results: After treatment, the viral warts had essentially d...


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문제 정의

  • 본 증례의 환자는 24세 남자 환자로 2014년 7월경 발생한 사마귀로 local 피부과에서 냉동요법과 살리실산 치료를 받았으나 효과가 없었고 손발주위의 사마귀가 구순주위로 확대되어 본원 외래에 내원하였다. 薏苡仁散과 鍼灸치료를 통해 유효한 치료 결과를 얻었기에 보고하는 바이다.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (25)

  1. Korean Dermatological Association. Textbook of Dermatology 6 th edition. Seoul: Daehaneuihak; 2014, p. 472-6. 

  2. Mandell GL. Principles and Practice of Infectious Disease. 5 th edition. New York: Churchill Livingston; 2000, p. 1630. 

  3. Horn TD, Johnson SM, Helm RM, Roberson PK. Intralesional immunotherapy of warts with mumps, Candida, and trichophyton skin test antigens: a single-blinded, randomized, and controlled trial. Arch Dermatol 2005;141:589-94. 

  4. Lee SY, Kim SH, Son HO, Chun SW, Song JS, Cho HK. A Clinical Study on Viral Warts in Five-Year-Period(2007-2011). Korean J Dermatol 2013;51(8):593-9. 

  5. Nofal A, Nofal E. Intralesional immunotherapy of common warts: successful treatment with mumps, measles and rubella vaccine. J Bur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2010;24:1166-70. 

  6. Clifton MM, Johnson SM, Roberson PK, Kincannon J, Horn TD. Immunotherapy for recalcitrant warts in children using intralesional mumps of candida antigens. Pediatr Dermatol 2004;20:268-71. 

  7. Korean Traditional Dermatology Association Textbook Compliation Committee. Text of Traditional Korean Dermatology & Surgery. Busan: Sunwoo; 2007, p. 432-4. 

  8. Yang WJ, Hwang Je Nae Kyung. Seoul: Seong-bo; 1980, p. 141-2. 

  9. Lee KY, Lee E, Jo NK. Two case Report of Verruca Plana That Developed after Laser Hair Removal. J Korean Med Ophthalmol Otolaryngol Dermatol 2015;28(2):112-20. 

  10. Yun JM, Shin SH, Yoon HJ, Ko WS. Combination Therapy with Gwakhyangjeonggisangamibang and Sojangjeonggyeok for the Treatment of Verruca Plana. J Korean Med Opthalmol Otolaryngol Dermatol 2010;23(1):169-81. 

  11. Kim SG, Kim MJ, Go SJ, Park JW. A Case Study of Plantar Wart improved with Mahaengeuigam-tang. J Korean Med Internal Korean Medicine 2014; fal:280-4. 

  12. Moon YG, Jeong WY, Shin JH, Kim YB, Nam HJ, Kim KS. Three Cases of Verruca Vulgaris Treated Mainly with Gwakhyangjeonggisangamibang and Moxibustion. J Korean Med Opthalmol Otolaryngol Dermatol 2015;28(2):93-101. 

  13. Lee JH, Shin GS, FIve Cases of Viral Warts Treated by Korean Medicine. J Korean Med Opthalmol Otolaryngol Dermatol 2015;28(2):121-9. 

  14. Shin SH, Yun JM, Heo JE, Ko WS, Yoon HJ. The Efficacy of Korean Medical Treatment for Recalcitrant Hand and Foot Warts with an Experience of Cryotherapy. J Korean Med Opthalmol Otolaryngol Dermatol 2015;28(2):33-44. 

  15. Lee KY, Lee E, Cho NK. Korean Medicine Treatment for 326 patients with Genital Warts : Retrospective Chart Review. J Korean Med Opthalmol Otolaryngol Dermatol 2015;28(4): 196-207. 

  16. Kang WH. Atlas of Skin Disease. Seoul: Hanmimedicalbook; 2006, p. 365. 

  17. Jeong SW, Cha SH, Park SD. Combination Therapy with Griseofulvin and Immunotherapy on Plane Warts. Korean Dermatology Association 1999;37(3):320-4. 

  18. Kwok CS, Gibbs S, Bennett C, Holland R, Abbott R. Topical treatments for cutaneous warts (Review). Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2012;9:1-178. 

  19. Lee YB, Park HJ, Lee JY, Cho BK, The Safety and Efficacy of Cimetidine Therapy for Periungual Warts. Korean J Deramtol 2007;45: 1258-64. 

  20. Kim MS, Youm SH, Na CH, Shin BS. A Clinical study of Intralesional Immunotherapy Using Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccine in Various Warts. Korean Dermatology Association 2014:52(5):326-32. 

  21. Roh SS. Full Color Dermatology. Paju: P&P; 2014, p. 274-5. 

  22. Herbology Editorial Committee of Korean Medicine schools. Herbology. Paju: Younglimsa; 2006, p. 396-8. 

  23. Hidaka Y, Kaneda T, Amino N, Miyaki K. Chinese medicine. Coix seeds increase peripheral cytotoxic T and NK cells. Biotherapy 1992; 5(3):201-3. 

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  25. Kim HC. Herbal Pharmacology. Paju: Jipmundang; 2008, p. 227-9. 

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