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Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the morphologic characteristics of two types of stainless steel crowns (SSCs) for the first primary molar using a 3D scanner. Study design: Two types of SSCs, KIDS CROWN (KC) and 3M ESPE ND-96 (ND), for the first primary molars were scanned using a 3D ...


참고문헌 (21)

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  3. Cha MH, Kim JT, Son DS. Dental anatomy of deciduous teeth. Iwoo Moonhwasa, Seoul, Korea; 56-70, 1999. 

  4. Dean JA, Avery DR, McDonald RE. Dentistry for the child and adolescent. 9th ed. Mosby, St. Louis; 44, 2011. 

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  7. Choi JE, Cheong TS, Kim S. A morphometric study on the primary molars and preformed stainless steel crown. J Korean Acad Pediatr Dent 2001;28:355-362. 

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  10. Kook YA, Bayome M, Park SB, Cha BK, Lee YW, Baek SH. Overjet at the anterior and posterior segments: Three-dimensional analysis of arch coordination. Angle Orthod 2009;79:495-501. 

  11. Jung YJ, Kim MJ, Baek SH. Hard and soft tissue changes after correction of mandibular prognathism and facial asymmetry by mandibular setback surgery: Three-dimensional analysis using computerized tomography. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2009;107:763-771. 

  12. Lee JB, Kim CC, Han SH, Lee SH. A morphometric study of the maxillary primary first molars using three-dimensional scanner. J Korean Acad Pediatr Dent 2006;33:643-652. 

  13. Shin YK. A morphometric study of the mandibular primary first molars using three-dimensional scanner. Dissertation, Seoul National University, 2008. 

  14. Fuller JL, Denehy GE. Concise dental anatomy and morphology. 2nd ed. Mosby Year Book, Chicago; 241-244, 1984. 

  15. Brand RW, Isselhard DE. Anatomy of orofacial structures. 6th ed. Mosby, St. Louis; 481-483, 1998. 

  16. Tsai HH. Descriptive classification of variations in primary mandibular first molars. ASDC J Dent Child 2001;68:23-26. 

  17. Axelsson G, Kirveskari P. Crown size of deciduous teeth in Icelanders. Acta Odontol Scand 1984;42:339-343. 

  18. Baek BJ, Jeon SH, Kim JG, Kim YS. A study on the size of the deciduous teeth. J Korean Acad Pediatr Dent 2002;29:382-387. 

  19. Ferro R, Besostri A, Olivieri A. Caries prevalence and tooth surface distribution in a group of 5-year-old Italian children. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent 2009;10:33-37. 

  20. Vanobbergen J, Lesaffre E, Garcia-Zattera MJ, Jara A, Martens L, Declerck D. Caries patterns in primary dentition in 3-, 5- and 7-year-old children: spatial correlation and preventive consequences. Caries Res 2007;41:16-25. 

  21. Guelmann M, Bookmyer KL, Villalta P, Garcia-Godoy F. Microleakage of restorative techniques for pulpotomized primary molars. J Dent Child (Chic) 2004;71:209-211. 

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