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Three Case Reports of Patients Treated with Korean Medicine after Rotator Cuff Repair 원문보기

The acupuncture = 대한침구의학회지, v.34 no.1, 2017년, pp.39 - 48  

Kim, Yo Han (Department of Acupuncture & Moxibustion, Meridian & Acupoint, College of Korean Medicine, Deagu Haany University) ,  Hwang, Min Hyok (Department of Acupuncture & Moxibustion, Meridian & Acupoint, College of Korean Medicine, Deagu Haany University) ,  Kim, Jae Soo (Department of Acupuncture & Moxibustion, Meridian & Acupoint, College of Korean Medicine, Deagu Haany University) ,  Lee, Hyun Jong (Department of Acupuncture & Moxibustion, Meridian & Acupoint, College of Korean Medicine, Deagu Haany University) ,  Lee, Yun Kyu (Department of Acupuncture & Moxibustion, Meridian & Acupoint, College of Korean Medicine, Deagu Haany University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Objectives : This study examined the effects of Korean medicine treatment in three patients following rotator cuff repair. Methods : Patients were treated with acupuncture, bee venom, moxibustion, and herbal medicine. Treatments were performed for an average of 3 weeks. A numeric rating scale (NRS) ...


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제안 방법

  • In case 1, based on the initial nocturnal pain and the patient’s complaint on piercing pain, and after he was diagnosed as blood-stasis (瘀血), Seokyung Decoction (舒經湯), which is used for the symptoms of it’s can’t raise shoulder because of qi blood stagnate in Meridian (氣血凝滯經絡 肩臂不擧), was administered.
  • Acupuncture, bee venom treatment, cupping, and moxibustion were performed using the same procedures in all 3 cases. Outpatient treatment was performed 3 times a week for cases 1 and 3, and once a week for case 2.
  • Among various rehabilitation methods, a program of stepwise treatment divided into 5 stages over 22-26 weeks is considered standard. Stage 1 comprises the first 6 weeks postoperatively, during which passive ROM exercise is performed while the patient wears a brace to protect the repair site, prevent muscle stiffness, and manage pain. Stage 2 comprises the second 6 weeks postoperatively, during which rehabilitation focuses on ROM exercise.
  • Using Rejuvenation moxibustion (Youcare International, VITA-SKIN herbal medicine), treatment was performed at 髃兪 (SI10), 秉風 (SI12), 曲垣 (SI13), 肩井 (GB21), 肩髃 (LI15), and 肩髃 (TE14) around the shoulder joint1). Cupping was performed on the trapezius muscle area for 4 minutes using disposable cups (The Eastern acupuncture equipment manufacturer, No.
  • Bee venom 5% prepared from Jaseng Namyangju Wonoe Tangjunwon was used for treatment. Using a disposable insulin syringe (Shina Corporation, 29 gauge 1/2 inch), 0.05-0.1 ㏄ of bee venom was injected at 穴位 of 肩髃 (LI15), 巨骨 (LI16), 肩髃 (TE14), 曲池 (LI11), 臂髃 (LI14), and 天府 (LU03), which are sites commonly used for shoulder joint treatment1,6). The treatment was performed once a day before acupunture.
  • Using disposable filiform needle acupuncture (The Eastern acupuncture equipment manufacturer, 0.25 × 30 ㎜ stainlesssteel), the needles were inserted at 曲池 (LI11), 臂髃 (LI14), 髃兪 (SI10), 秉風 (SI12), 曲 垣 (SI13), 肩井 (GB21), 中府 (LU01), 雲門 (LU02), and 天府 (LU03) for 15 minutes once a day, and the depth of needle insertion was 10 ㎜ or more1,9-11).

대상 데이터

  • The patient underwent rotator cuff repair on August 4th,2016. Following discharge on August 13th,2016, the patient was admitted to the outpatient acupuncture medicine department.
  • The patient underwent arthroscopic rotator cuff repair, acromioplasty, biceps tenotomy, and minimally invasive fixation on July 22nd, 2016. Following discharge on July 29th, 2016, the patient was admitted to the outpatient acupuncture medicine department on August 1st 2016.
  • While receiving treatment at another medical institute following a car accident on June 30th, 2016, the patient was diagnosed with a left rotator cuff tear by shoulder MRI on August 22nd, 2016. After surgery, the patient received hospital treatment until September 9th, 2016, and was admitted to the outpatient acupuncture medicine department on September 9th, 2016.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (18)

  1. Korean Acupuncture and Moxibustion Medicine Society Textbook Compilation Committee. Acupuncture Medicine. Seoul: Hanmi-book. 2016:15, 223-8, 435-45. 

  2. The Korean Orthopaedic Association, Orthopaedics 7th. ed. Seoul: The Newest medicine company. 2013:629-39. 

  3. Rhee YG, Ha JH, Lim CT, Jeong BO. Arthroscopic Versus Mini-Open Rotator Cuff Repair: Comparison of Clinical Results. The Journal of the Korean Arthroscopy Society. 2005;40(3):299-304. 

  4. Heo J. Sinwanyouk Donguibogam(2). Seoul: Bubinmunwhasa. 2015:712-9. 

  5. Kwon SA, Lee JW, Kim MJ et al. A Study of Blood Stasis Pattern for Frozen Shoulder Using Blood Stasis Pattern Questionnaires (BSPQ) and the Relationship of Pain, Shoulder Range of Motion and BSPQ Score. The Acupunct. 2011;28(4): 49-55. 

  6. Jeong JY, Kim JH, Song CH et al. 1 Case of Shoulder Pain Treated with Oriental Treatment Including Pharmacopuncture in Rotator Cuff Surgery. The Acupunct. 2012;29(6):119-25. 

  7. Kim YJ, Won JH, Ahn HD, Woo CH. A Clinical Case of Korean Rehabilitation Treatment for Rotator Cuff Tear. Dongseouihak. 2014;39(3):30-9. 

  8. Son JH, Kim JH, Jo DH et al. A Case of Arthroscopically Repaired Left Rotator Cuff Tear Treated Kyun-Tong Acupoint of Pyung- Hyung Acupuncture. The Society of Korean medicine spine and joint. 2014;11(1):31-41. 

  9. Itoh K, Minakawa Y, Kitakoji H. Effect of acupuncture depth on muscle pain. Chinese Medicine. 2011;6:24. 

  10. Ann YG. Kyunghyulhakchongseo. Seoul: Sungbosa. 1986:76-83, 302-9. 

  11. Lim SJ, Jun JY, Lee CW et al. Clinical Characteristics and Treatment Effects of Shoulder pain Patients Admitted to a Korean Medicine Hospital Based on MRI Finding. The Acupunct. 2014;31(4):109-19. 

  12. Shim SY, Park HJ, Lee JM, Lee HS. An Overview of Pain Measurements. Korean Journal of Acupuncture. 2007;24(2):77-97. 

  13. Ko SH, Cho SD, Choe SW et al. The Evaluation for the Usefulness of Arthroscopic Miniopen Repair which Related with Large and Massive Sized Full Thickness Rotator Cuff Tear and Clinical Results. Korean Shoulder and Elbow Society. 2006;9(1):83-8. 

  14. Kim MK, Rhee KJ, Shin HD, Byun KY, Kim KC, Hong UP. Arthroscopic Assisted Mini-open Repair of Rotator Cuff Tear -5 - 8 Years Follow-up Results-. Korean Shoulder and Elbow Society. 2004;7(1):30-4. 

  15. Lee IS. Rehabilitation after shoulder surgery. J Korean Med Assoc. 2014;57(8):679-84. 

  16. Kim JH. Rehabilitation of Rotator Cuff Repair. The journal of Korean Arthroscopy Society. 2008;12(2):82-6. 

  17. Bae KT, Kim HK, Kim JS, Nam SS, Kim YS. Case Report of Shoulder Impingement Syndrome with Acute Bursitis and Supraspinatus Tendinoplathy. The Acupunct. 2005;22(5):175-82. 

  18. Song HS, Kim SY. Comparison of the Rehabilitation Program after Rotator Cuff Repair by Time Closed Chain Exercise. J Korean Soc Phys Med. 2014;9(4):485-92. 

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