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[국내논문] What Effects Does Necrotic Area of Contrast-Enhanced MRI in Osteoporotic Vertebral Fracture Have on Further Compression and Clinical Outcome? 원문보기

Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society = 대한신경외과학회지, v.60 no.2, 2017년, pp.181 - 188  

Lee, Ja Myoung (Department of Neurosurgery, Gyeongsang National University School of Medicine) ,  Lee, Young Seok (Department of Neurosurgery, Gyeongsang National University School of Medicine) ,  Kim, Young Baeg (Department of Neurosurgery, Chung-Ang University College of Medicine) ,  Park, Seung Won (Department of Neurosurgery, Chung-Ang University College of Medicine) ,  Kang, Dong Ho (Department of Neurosurgery, Gyeongsang National University School of Medicine) ,  Lee, Shin Heon (Department of Neurosurgery, Chung-Ang University College of Medicine)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Objective : The objective of this study was to analyze the correlation between further compression and necrotic area in osteoporotic vertebral fracture (OVF) patients with contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (CEMRI). In addition, we investigated the radiological and clinical outcome accordi...


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제안 방법

  • We measured necrotic and edematous area using highly reliable and sensitive contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (CEMRI) in OVF and examined the strength of the correlation by comparing with compression after 6 months. Additionally, comparative analysis was performed to determine how the range of the necrotic area affected not only radiological outcome but also clinical outcome.
  • We measured necrotic and edematous area using highly reliable and sensitive contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (CEMRI) in OVF and examined the strength of the correlation by comparing with compression after 6 months. Additionally, comparative analysis was performed to determine how the range of the necrotic area affected not only radiological outcome but also clinical outcome.
  • The ratio (%) of reduced vertebral body area was measured at 1 month and 6 months based on the vertebral body area of fracture on lateral plain radiography at admission. Additionally, the edematous and necrotic areas of the fracture lesion in a middle sagittal section were measured using CEMRI, and the fracture areas examined on CEMRI at admission were defined as edematous if enhancement was seen and as necrotic if no enhancement was seen using picture archiving and communication system (Maroview version 5.4, Marotech Inc., Seoul, Korea). The areas of necrosis, edema, and necrosis+edema were obtained as a ratio (%) based on the entire area of the fractured vertebral body (Fig.
  • 1A)12). Then, correlations of further compression were studied with respect to the necrotic and edematous areas seen on CEMRI, age, and bone mineral density (BMD), which were believed to be closely correlated with further compression.

대상 데이터

  • Eighty-seven patients admitted for OVF from January 2012 to December 2014 were retrospectively recruited as study subjects. The OVF patients engaged in this study were patients aged 50 and older who had single-level vertebral fracture without posterior ligament injury among AO classification A1–3 and compression or burst fracture without neurological deficiency; all subjects also had adequate pain relief with a score of 1–2 points in the thoracolumbar injury classification and severity score15,16).
  • The study was performed in a total of 82 patients from January 2012 to December 2014, the mean age of subjects was 69.27±10.33 years, and the ratio of men to women was 18 to 64, indicating a greater number of women.
  • 3. A 76-year-old man with a benign osteoporotic vertebral fracture of the first lumbar vertebra. On (A) T2-, (B) T1-, and (C) fat-suppressed T2- weighted MRI, the signal of the vertebral body appears as isointensity and low and high signal intensity rather than as signal void.
  • This study has some limitations. This study used retrospective data at a single medical center. To overcome this limitation, medical treatment and pain block was actively performed, and vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty was performed in only 5.


  • The Pearson method was used to determine the correlation between further compression and necrosis and edema, BMD, and age on contrast-enhanced MRI. Variables between the non-necrosis and necrosis groups were compared using an independent t-test, Mann-Whitney’s U test, and chi-squared test.
  • Variables between the non-necrosis and necrosis groups were compared using an independent t-test, Mann-Whitney’s U test, and chi-squared test.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (18)

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  3. 3 Chou KN Lin BJ Wu YC Liu MY Hueng DY Progressive kyphosis after vertebroplasty in osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 39 68 73 2014 24108287 

  4. 4 Ha KY Lee JS Kim KW Chon JS Percutaneous vertebroplasty for vertebral compression fractures with and without intravertebral clefts J Bone Joint Surg Br 88 629 633 2006 16645109 

  5. 5 Hasserius R Karlsson MK Nilsson BE Redlund-Johnell I Johnell O European Vertebral Osteoporosis Study Prevalent vertebral deformities predict increased mortality and increased fracture rate in both men and women: a 10-year population-based study of 598 individuals from the Swedish cohort in the European Vertebral Osteoporosis Study Osteoporos Int 14 61 68 2003 12577186 

  6. 6 Jang JS Kim DY Lee SH Efficacy of percutaneous vertebroplasty in the treatment of intravertebral pseudarthrosis associated with noninfected avascular necrosis of the vertebral body Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 28 1588 1592 2003 12865850 

  7. 7 Kallmes DF Comstock BA Heagerty PJ Turner JA Wilson DJ Diamond TH A randomized trial of vertebroplasty for osteoporotic spinal fractures N Engl J Med 361 569 579 2009 19657122 

  8. 8 Kim DY Lee SH Jang JS Chung SK Lee HY Intravertebral vacuum phenomenon in osteoporotic compression fracture: report of 67 cases with quantitative evaluation of intravertebral instability J Neurosurg 100 1 Suppl Spine 24 31 2004 

  9. 9 McKiernan F Jensen R Faciszewski T The dynamic mobility of vertebral compression fractures J Bone Miner Res 18 24 29 2003 12510802 

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  13. 13 Silverman SL Minshall ME Shen W Harper KD Xie S Health-Related Quality of Life Subgroup of the Multiple Outcomes of Raloxifene Evaluation Study The relationship of health-related quality of life to prevalent and incident vertebral fractures in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis: results from the Multiple Outcomes of Raloxifene Evaluation Study Arthritis Rheum 44 2611 2619 2001 11710717 

  14. 14 Theodorou DJ The intravertebral vacuum cleft sign Radiology 221 787 788 2001 11719679 

  15. 15 Vaccaro AR Oner C Kepler CK Dvorak M Schnake K Bellabarba C AOSpine thoracolumbar spine injury classification system: fracture description, neurological status, and key modifiers Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 38 2028 2037 2013 23970107 

  16. 16 Vaccaro AR Lehman RA Jr Hurlbert RJ Anderson PA Harris M Hedlund R A new classification of thoracolumbar injuries: the importance of injury morphology, the integrity of the posterior ligamentous complex, and neurologic status Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 30 2325 2333 2005 16227897 

  17. 17 Wang G Yang H Chen K Osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures with an intravertebral cleft treated by percutaneous balloon kyphoplasty J Bone Joint Surg Br 92 1553 1557 2010 21037351 

  18. 18 Wang H Sribastav SS Ye F Yang C Wang J Liu H Comparison of percutaneous vertebroplasty and balloon kyphoplasty for the treatment of single level vertebral compression fractures: a meta-analysis of the literature Pain Physician 18 209 222 2015 26000665 

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