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[국내논문] 기존 건물 HVAC 시스템에 대한 다섯 가지 기계학습 모델 개발
Five Machine Learning Models for HVAC Systems in an Existing Office Building

大韓建築學會論文集. Journal of the architectural institute of korea. 構造系, v.33 no.10 = no.348, 2017년, pp.69 - 77  

라선중 (성균관대학교 대학원) ,  신한솔 (성균관대학교 대학원) ,  서원준 (성균관대학교 대학원) ,  추한경 (성균관대학교 대학원) ,  박철수 (성균관대학교 건설환경공학부)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The first principles-based simulation model, e.g. dynamic simulation, is influenced by model uncertainty, simplification of the reality, lack of information, a modeler's subjective assumptions, etc. Recently, a data-driven machine learning model has received a growing attention for simulation of exi...


참고문헌 (25)

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  2. Ahn, K. U., Kim, Y. J., & Park, C. S. (2012). Issues on Dynamic Building Energy Performance Assessment in Design Process, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea: Planning & Design, 28(12), 361-369. 

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  14. Kim, Y. M., Ahn, K. U., & Park, C. S. (2016). Issues of Application of Machine Learning Models for Virtual and Real-Life Buildings, Sustainability, 8(6), 543. 

  15. Louppe, G. (2014). Understanding random forests: From theory to practice, Doctoral dissertation, University of Liege, Liege, Belgium. 

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  19. Suh, W. J., & Park, C. S. (2016). Real-time Optimal Control of Chiller using Genetic Programming, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea: Planning & Design, 32(6), 105-112. 

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  22. Xavier-de-Souza, S., Suykens, J. A., Vandewalle, J., & Bolle, D. (2010). Coupled simulated annealing, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics), 40(2), 320-335. 

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  24. Zhang, Y., O'Neill, Z., Dong, B., & Augenbroe, G. (2015). Comparisons of inverse modeling approaches for predicting building energy performance, Building and Environment, 86, 177-190. 

  25. Zhao, H. X., & Magoules, F. (2012). A review on the prediction of building energy consumption, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16(6), 3586-3592. 

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