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통계지표를 활용한 부산지역 조선소 주변 토양 내 중금속 오염조사 연구
A Geo-statistical Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution in the Soil Around a Ship Building Yard in Busan, Korea 원문보기

海洋環境安全學會誌 = Journal of the Korean society of marine environment & safety, v.24 no.7, 2018년, pp.907 - 915  

최정식 (목포해양대학교 기관.해양경찰학부) ,  전수경 (국립과학수사연구원 대전과학수사연구소)

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다양한 산업분야에서 중금속의 사용이 증가할수록, 중금속으로 인한 환경오염과 생물학적 위해성에 대한 우려의 목소리가 커지고 있다. 통계 지수는 배경농도 값과의 비교를 통해 중금속 오염농도를 정규화 시킴으로써 토양 오염의 정도를 수치화하고, 단계 별로 오염 정도를 판단 할 수 있어 많이 사용된다. 본 연구에서는 농축인자(Enrichment factor, EF), 축적 계수(accumulation index), 잠재적 생물학적 위험 지표(potential ecological risk index)등을 이용하여 중공업 근처 토양 내 중금속 오염가능성을 평가하였다. 연구결과, 중금속의 오염 정도는 정부 가이드라인에 비하여 낮은 수준이었으나, 특정 위치에서 아연, 구리, 납 등의 중금속 오염이 관찰 되었다. 농축인자, 축적계수, 생물학적 위험 지표를 통해 일부 토양 내 중금속 오염이 우려할 수준이며, 주변에 존재하는 인위적 오염원에 의한 오염가능성이 있음을 확인하였다. 연구대상지의 추가 시료채취 및 추정되는 오염원의 시료 확보 후, 동위원소 분석 및 x-ray 기반 분석을 통해 오염원 추적연구가 필요할 것으로 판단된다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

With the increase of metal usage in various industries, metal pollution and ecological toxicity in the environmental system have become a significant concern. A geo-statistical index has been widely used to determine contamination level with normalization through a background value. In this study, g...


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제안 방법

  • In this study, to estimate the effect of an anthropogenic source to soil contamination, statistical analysis methods such as the enrichment factor, geo-accumulation index, and ecological toxicity index were calculated. Various statistical methods were used because the pollution degree of metals can be estimated differently according to applied value.
  • The concentration distribution of heavy metal in soil was similar in places where pollution level was high. Lead, zinc, and copper were commonly observed in contaminated soil, so the correlation was calculated using statistical methods to confirm the correlation of these metals. A relative correlation was expressed as a number from -1 to +1, with 1 indicating definitely positive and -1 indicating a negative relation.
  • In this study, the assessment of heavy metal contamination in field soils was conducted by applying the geo-statistical index. To investigate the degree of contamination level, metal concentration in soils were estimated and measured using inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES). And then, geo-statistical index such as enrichment factor (EF), geo-accumulation index, and potential ecological risk index (PERI) was calculated.


  • In this study, the assessment of heavy metal contamination in field soils was conducted by applying the geo-statistical index. To investigate the degree of contamination level, metal concentration in soils were estimated and measured using inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES).
  • To estimate the metal concentration in a soil sample, the samples were analyzed using the proposed method by Jeon et al. (2017). Briefly, the soil was digested with hydrochloric acid (HCl) and nitric acid (HNO3) at 105 for 2h.
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참고문헌 (31)

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