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[국내논문] 1D-Coordination Polymer Formed by Structural Conversion of an Oxazolidine Ligand in Reaction with the Copper(II) Halides 원문보기

대한화학회지 = Journal of the Korean Chemical Society, v.62 no.5, 2018년, pp.372 - 376  

Mardani, Zahra (Inorganic Chemistry Department, Faculty of Chemistry, Urmia University) ,  Golsanamlou, Vali (Inorganic Chemistry Department, Faculty of Chemistry, Urmia University) ,  Jabbarzadeh, Zahra (Inorganic Chemistry Department, Faculty of Chemistry, Urmia University) ,  Moeini, Keyvan (Chemistry Department, Payame Noor University,) ,  Carpenter-Warren, Cameron (EaStCHEM School of Chemistry, University of St Andrews) ,  Slawin, Alexandra M.Z. (EaStCHEM School of Chemistry, University of St Andrews) ,  Woollins, J. Derek (EaStCHEM School of Chemistry, University of St Andrews)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

A 1D-coordination polymer of $1D-\{Cu({\mu}-picolinato)_2\}$ $\{Hakimi,\;2012\;\sharp73\}_n$ (1), was prepared by the reactions between 2-(2-(pyridin-2-yl)oxazolidin-3-yl)ethanol (AEPC) ligand and $CuCl_2$ or $CuBr_2$. The product was characterized by elem...


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제안 방법

  • 71075 Å) was used for all the compounds and intensity data were collected using ω steps accumulating area detector images spanning at least a hemisphere of reciprocal space. All data were corrected for Lorentz polarization effects. A multiscan absorption correction was applied by using CrystalClear7 or CrysAlisPro.
  • In this work, a new coordination polymer, 1D-{Cu(μ-picolinato)2}n (1), was synthesized in a reaction between AEPC and copper(II) halides and its spectral (IR, UV-Vis, 1 H NMR) and structural (single crystal X-ray diffraction) properties were investigated.
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참고문헌 (24)

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  6. Mardani, Z.; Golsanamlou, V.; Khodavandegar, S.; Moeini, K.; Slawin, A. M. Z.; Woollins, J. D. The coordination of a multidentate NxOy-donor (x and $y{\leq}2$ ) oxazolidine-based ligand with Cd(II) and Hg(II); Structural, spectral, and theoretical studies. J. Coord. Chem. 2018, 71, 1. 

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  18. (a) Hosseini, S. G.; Moeini, K.; Abdelbaky, M. S. M.; Garcia-Granda, S. A coordination polymer of mercury(II) formed by triazole-based and chloride linkers. Z. Naturforsch 2017; Vol. 72b, p 573. 

  19. (b) Marandi, F.; Moeini, K.; Ghasemzadeh, S.; Mardani, Z.; Quah, C. K.; Loh, W.-S. Synthesis, spectral and X-ray diffraction of two new 2D lead(II) coordination polymers formed by nicotinic acid Noxide linkers. J. Mol. Struct. 2017, 1149, 92. 

  20. (c) Hakimi, M.; Moeini, K.; Mardani, Z.; Schuh, E.; Mohr, F. Silver(I) coordination polymer and nine-coordinated cadmium(II) complex with dimethyl pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylate supported by solid state and electrochemical studies. J. Coord. Chem. 2013, 66, 1129. 

  21. (d) Hakimi, M.; Mardani, Z.; Moeini, K.; Mohr, F. Coordination behavior of dimethyl pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylate towards mercury(II), cadmium(II) and chromium(III) in the solid- and gaseous state supported by CSD studies. Polyhedron 2015, 102, 569. 

  22. (a) Hakimi, M.; Mardani, Z.; Moeini, K.; Mohr, F. Synthesis and characterization of a macrocyclic copper complex containing the 14-membered 1,3,5,8,10,12-hexaazacyclotetradecane unit. Z. Naturforsch 2017; Vol. 72b, p 115. 

  23. (b) Hakimi, M.; Moeini, K.; Mardani, Z.; Fernandes, M. A.; Mohr, F.; Schuh, E. Template-directed synthesis of macrocyclic copper(II) complexes of diazacyclam, 1,3,6,10,12,15-hexaazatricyclo[,10]eicosane. J. Coord. Chem. 2012, 65, 1232. 

  24. (c) Hakimi, M.; Moeini, K.; Mardani, Z.; Mohr, F. Microwave-assisted template synthesis of diazacyclam-based macrocyclic copper complex and forming octahedral, square planar and square pyramidal geometries by ion exchanging and introducing a novel 2D square-grid copper-mercury coordination polymer. Polyhedron 2014, 70, 92. 

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