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[국내논문] CFD Application for Prediction of Ship Added Resistance in Waves 원문보기

Journal of advanced research in ocean engineering, v.4 no.3, 2018년, pp.135 - 145  

Kim, Byung-Soo (Department of Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering, Seoul National University Seoul) ,  Kim, Yonghwan (Department of Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering, Seoul National University Seoul)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This paper deals with the added resistance of a ship in waves using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The ship added resistance is one of the key considerations in the design of energy-efficient ship. In this study, the added resistance of a LNG carrier in head waves is computed using a CFD code t...


표/그림 (15)

AI 본문요약
AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

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제안 방법

  • 5 of the real ship. The calculation was performed in deep-sea conditions with regular head waves. The Froude number (Fn) is defined in equation (1), and U is the ship velocity, g is gravity, and L is the ship length.

대상 데이터

  • In this study, a liquefied natural gas (LNG) carrier provided by Samsung Heavy Industries was used for the calculation. The hull properties are described in Fig.
  • For the simulation, the model ship was scaled to 1/72.5 of the real ship. The calculation was performed in deep-sea conditions with regular head waves.


  • In this study, a CFD method was used to analyze the motion and added resistance of a given ship with head sea conditions. As CFD results are highly dependent on generated grids, several mesh generations tests are conducted to demonstrate the convergence of the results.
  • The integrated governing equations are discretized and solved using the finite volume method. The semi-implicit method for pressure linked equations algorithm is adopted to solve the pressure–velocity coupling problem.
  • An adaptive mesh model was applied using the Star-CCM+ mesh generator with a trimmer, surface remesher, and prism layer meshing model. The trimmer mesh model was used to generate meshes having a hexahedron shape, and the surface remesher was used to copy the hull shape more precisely.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (9)

  1. Kim, J, O'Sullivan, J, Read, A (2012), "Ringing Analysis of a Vertical Cylinder by Euler Overlay Method", Proc 31st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2012 

  2. Kim, T, Yoo, S, Oh, S, Kim, HJ, Lee, D, and Kim, B (2017), "Numerical and Experimental Study on the Estimation of Added Resistance of an LNG Carrier in Waves", Proc 27th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, 746-752 

  3. Lee, J, Park, DM, Kim, Y (2016), "Experimental investigation on the added resistance of modified KVLCC2 hull forms with different bow shapes", Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 231(2), 395-410 

  4. Peric, M (2012). "Wave Impact, Body Motion and Overset Grids in STAR-CCM+", STAR South East Asian Conference 2012 

  5. Sadat-Hosseini, H, Wu, PC, Carrica, PM, Kim, H, Toda, Y, Stern, F (2013). "CFD verification and validation of added resistance and motions of KVLCC2 with fixed and free surge in short and long head waves", Ocean Engineering, 59, 240-273 

  6. Seo, MG, Yang, KK, Park, DM, Kim, Y (2014). "Numerical analysis of added resistance on ships in short waves", Ocean Engineering, 87, 97-110 

  7. Tezdogan, T, Demirel, YK, Kellett, P, Khorasanchi, M, Incecik, A, Turan, O (2015). "Full-scale unsteady RANS CFD simulations of ship behavior and performance in head seas due to slow steaming", Ocean Engineering, 97, 186-206 

  8. Yang, KK, Kim, Y, Nam, BW (2015). "Cartesian-grid-based computational analysis for added resistance in waves", Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 20, 155-170 

  9. Yang, KK, and Kim, Y (2017). "Numerical Analysis of Added Resistance on Blunt Ships with Different Bow Shapes in Short Waves", Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 22(2), 245-258 


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