[국내논문]Lactobacilli와 Saccharomyces 혼합균주의 대두발효액(Zen) 섭취 후 장내 유익세균과 유해세균의 증식에 미친 영향 Effects of the Proliferation of Beneficial and Harmful Enteric Bacteria after Intake of Soybean Fermentation (Zen) Produced by a Mixture of Lactobacilli and Saccharomyces원문보기
목적: 본 연구는 임상대상자 30명에게 미생물발효용액인 Zen발효용액을 8주간 섭취시킨 후에 임상대상자들의 변에서 중요한 장내 유익세균 및 저해세균의 증식이 촉진되는지 또는 감소하는지를 연구하는 것이 목적이었다. 방법: 장내세균은 특정 Primer를 이용하여 PCR 증폭기로 동정 검색하였다. 결과: Zen발효액을 섭취한 임상군의 Bifidobacterium genus 유전자복제지수(gi%)는 섭취 전 수치는 55.15%, 섭취 후에는 70.1%로 나타났으며, 섭취 후에 14.95% 차이로 유의성이 있게 증가하였다. 아래 모든 대조군은 유의성이 없었다. 임상군의 Lactobacillus genus지수는 섭취 전이 46.87%, 섭취 후가 60.91%로 나타났으며, 섭취 후에 14.04% 차이로 유의성은 있게 증가하였다(p<.01). 임상군의 Clostridium genus지수는 사전이 85.64%, 사후가 65.99%로 나타났으며, 섭취 후에 -19.65% 차이로 유의성이 있게 감소를 하였다(p<.017). 임상군의 Bacteroides genus지수는 사전이 17.11%, 사후가 20.22%로 나타났으며, 섭취 후에 3.11% 차이로 유의성이 있게 증가하였다. 임상군의 Prevotella genus지수는 사전이 14.01%, 사후가 16.79%로 나타났으며, 섭취 후에 2.78%차이로 증가하였으나 유의성은 없었다. 결론: 장내세균은 혼합미생물의 발효액 Zen을 섭취 후에 장내에서 유익균은 증식이 증가하고, 유해균은 억제되는 현상을 발견하였다. Zen발효액은 장 건강에 유익한 음료라 평가한다.
목적: 본 연구는 임상대상자 30명에게 미생물발효용액인 Zen발효용액을 8주간 섭취시킨 후에 임상대상자들의 변에서 중요한 장내 유익세균 및 저해세균의 증식이 촉진되는지 또는 감소하는지를 연구하는 것이 목적이었다. 방법: 장내세균은 특정 Primer를 이용하여 PCR 증폭기로 동정 검색하였다. 결과: Zen발효액을 섭취한 임상군의 Bifidobacterium genus 유전자복제지수(gi%)는 섭취 전 수치는 55.15%, 섭취 후에는 70.1%로 나타났으며, 섭취 후에 14.95% 차이로 유의성이 있게 증가하였다. 아래 모든 대조군은 유의성이 없었다. 임상군의 Lactobacillus genus지수는 섭취 전이 46.87%, 섭취 후가 60.91%로 나타났으며, 섭취 후에 14.04% 차이로 유의성은 있게 증가하였다(p<.01). 임상군의 Clostridium genus지수는 사전이 85.64%, 사후가 65.99%로 나타났으며, 섭취 후에 -19.65% 차이로 유의성이 있게 감소를 하였다(p<.017). 임상군의 Bacteroides genus지수는 사전이 17.11%, 사후가 20.22%로 나타났으며, 섭취 후에 3.11% 차이로 유의성이 있게 증가하였다. 임상군의 Prevotella genus지수는 사전이 14.01%, 사후가 16.79%로 나타났으며, 섭취 후에 2.78%차이로 증가하였으나 유의성은 없었다. 결론: 장내세균은 혼합미생물의 발효액 Zen을 섭취 후에 장내에서 유익균은 증식이 증가하고, 유해균은 억제되는 현상을 발견하였다. Zen발효액은 장 건강에 유익한 음료라 평가한다.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the increase or decrease of important intestinal beneficial bacteria and inhibitory bacteria in 30 stools of clinical subjects after ingesting Zen fermentation broth as a mixed microbial fermentation solution for eight weeks. Methods: Intestinal ...
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the increase or decrease of important intestinal beneficial bacteria and inhibitory bacteria in 30 stools of clinical subjects after ingesting Zen fermentation broth as a mixed microbial fermentation solution for eight weeks. Methods: Intestinal bacteria were identified by PCR amplification using specific primers. Results: Bifidobacterium genus gi% of test group ingested Zen-fermented broth was 55.15% before and 70.1% after ingestion, so it was a significant difference (p<.009). Lactobacillus genus of the test group was 46.87% before and 60.91% after ingestion, it was a significant difference (p<.01). Clostridium genus of the test group was 85.64% before and 65.99% after ingestion. There was a significant difference (p<.017) as the pre-post-difference decreased to -19.65%. Bacteroides genus of the test group was 17.11% before and 20.22% after ingestion. There was a significant difference (p<.048) as the pre-post-difference increased to 3.11%. Prevotella genus of the test group was 14.01% before and 16.79% after ingestion, so it was not a significant difference. Conclusions: Intestinal bacteria increased the proliferation of beneficial bacteria and suppressed harmful bacteria in the intestines after ingesting the Zen-fermented broth of the mixed microorganism. The Zen fermentation broth evaluated as a beneficial drink for intestinal health.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the increase or decrease of important intestinal beneficial bacteria and inhibitory bacteria in 30 stools of clinical subjects after ingesting Zen fermentation broth as a mixed microbial fermentation solution for eight weeks. Methods: Intestinal bacteria were identified by PCR amplification using specific primers. Results: Bifidobacterium genus gi% of test group ingested Zen-fermented broth was 55.15% before and 70.1% after ingestion, so it was a significant difference (p<.009). Lactobacillus genus of the test group was 46.87% before and 60.91% after ingestion, it was a significant difference (p<.01). Clostridium genus of the test group was 85.64% before and 65.99% after ingestion. There was a significant difference (p<.017) as the pre-post-difference decreased to -19.65%. Bacteroides genus of the test group was 17.11% before and 20.22% after ingestion. There was a significant difference (p<.048) as the pre-post-difference increased to 3.11%. Prevotella genus of the test group was 14.01% before and 16.79% after ingestion, so it was not a significant difference. Conclusions: Intestinal bacteria increased the proliferation of beneficial bacteria and suppressed harmful bacteria in the intestines after ingesting the Zen-fermented broth of the mixed microorganism. The Zen fermentation broth evaluated as a beneficial drink for intestinal health.
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