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연속적 전시공간 개념으로 본 서울대 뮤지엄 내 연결 공간의 역할과 특성에 관한 연구
A Study on the Role and Characteristics of Middle Space in Museum of Seoul National University based on the Concept of Sequential Exhibition Space

大韓建築學會論文集. Journal of the architectural institute of korea. 計劃系, v.35 no.5 = no.367, 2019년, pp.73 - 83  

황준호 (동경대학교 대학원 공학계연구과 건축학전공) ,  조정식 (동국대학교 건축공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The purpose of this study is to analyze the spatial transformational patterns according to the spectator and the exhibition environment and to examine the role of 'the middle space' organically linking the exhibition space with MoA which is a representative example of 'sequential exhibition space'. ...


참고문헌 (14)

  1. Han, Mi. (2007). The Theory of Museum Policy, Yeajeonsa, 12 

  2. Kim, H. (2001). Arts, Exhibitions, Museums, Yekyong, 63 

  3. Zevi, B., & Kang, H. (1985). Architecture as Space, Kimoondang 

  4. Miyagawa, E., & Moon, S. (1982). Architectural Space, Kimoondang 

  5. Giedion, S., & Kim, K. (1999). Space, Time, Architecture, Spacetime Publishing 

  6. El Croquis (2007). OMAMO Rem Koolhaas 1996-2007II, El Croquis 

  7. Koolhaas, R., & Mau, B. (1997). S, M, L, XL, Monacelli Press 

  8. Pyun, Y. (2005). A Study on the Application of Spatial Sequence of Interior Design in the Underground Cultural Complex, Thesis, Konkuk University, 43 

  9. Baek, Y. (2008). A Study on the [Exhibition Space Type] of Art Museum, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design Vol.24 No.8, 142 

  10. Choi, Y., & Kim, J. (2000). The Spatial Structure of Knowledge Transmission in Museum Layouts, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design Vol.16 No.6, 55-57 

  11. Seoul National University (2001). Preparatory report(II) for the opening of Seoul National University Museum, Seoul National University Press, 17 

  12. Architecture & Culture vol.12 (2005). A&C Publishing, 68 


  14. Standard Korean Dictionary, National Institute of Korean Language, Retrieved October 10, 2017 

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