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[국내논문] SNA를 활용한 정기선사의 전략적 제휴 재편에 따른 항만 네트워크 변화 분석
Analysis of Port Connectivity Network Change on the Effect of Liner Shipping Alliance Restructuring Using SNA 원문보기

무역학회지 = Korean trade review, v.44 no.6, 2019년, pp.267 - 283  

김대현 (부산대학교 국제전문대학원) ,  김상열 (부산대학교 국제전문대학원) ,  장현미 (부산대학교 국제전문대학원)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study analyzes how the port connectivity network has changed with the restructuring of the liner shipping alliance and explores the impact of these changes on network characteristics using social network analysis (SNA). While due to economies of scale, the scale of ports and liner shipping has ...


참고문헌 (42)

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  3. Chung, Ki-ho (2014), "Mathematical Model for Liner Shipping Alliance Problem", Management & information systems review, 33(5), 85-95. 

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  17. Jeon, Jun-woo (2016), "An Analysis of the Cruise Coprses Network in Asian Regions Using Social Network Analysis", Journal of Korea Port Economic Association, 23(1), 17-28. 

  18. Jung, Ki-ho(2014), "Mathematical Model for Liner Shipping Alliance Problem", Daehan Academy of Management Information Systems, 33(5), 85-95. 

  19. Kang, Dong-jun and Su-han Woo (2014), "A Study on the Liner Sghipping Network of the Container Port", Journal of Korea Port Economic Association, 30(1), 73-96. 

  20. Kang, Dong-jun (2016), "A Study on the Network Structure by Strategic Alliance of Liner Shipping Companies", Korea International Commerce Review, 31(4), 181-202. 

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  22. Kim, Ju-hye and Oh-kyoung Kwon (2014), "Correlation Between Network Cenrality and Efficiency of Ports: Using Social Network Analysis", Korean Journal of Logistic, 22(4), 1-14. 

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  26. Lim, Jong-sub (2004), "An Empirical Study on the Selection of Liner Shipping Coalition Mode", Korea Logistics Review, 14(3), 141-165. 

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  28. Lim, Jong-sub (2016), "TThe Effect of Alliance Partnership on the Alliances Performance of Global Alliances and Joint Service in Liner Shipping Companies", Korea Logisitcs Review, 26(5), 35-44. 

  29. Lee, Su-sang (2012), Network Analysis Methodology, Seoul: Nonhyoung. 

  30. Lee, Su-sang (2018a), Use and Limitations of Network Analysis, Seoul: Cheng-Ram Press. 

  31. Mike Fusillo (2009), "Structural Factors Underlying Mergers and Acquisitions in Liner Shipping", Maritime Economics and Logistics, 11(2), 209-226. 

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  35. Park, Ki-hyun (2016), "Analysis of the Changes of Liner Servie Networks by Using SNA: Focused on Incheon Port", Journal of Korea Port Economic Association, 32(1), 97-122. 

  36. Park, Sung-hwa amd Tae-il Kim (2017), "Analysis of Fleet Ccpacity to Enhance the Competitiveness of Container Shipping in Korea", Journal of Korea Port Economic Association, 33(3), 105-120. 

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  38. Panayides, P. M. and Wiedmer, R. (2011), "Strategic Alliances in Container Liner Shipping", Research in Transportation Economics, 32(1), 25-38. 

  39. Renato. M.(2000), "A Critical Evaluation of Strategic Alliances in Liner Shipping", Maritime Policy and Management, 27(1), 31-40. 

  40. Ryu, Ki-jin, Hyung-sik Nam, Sang-ho Jo and Dong-keun Ryoo (2018), "A Study on Analysis of Container Liner Service Routes Pattern Using Social Network Analysis: Focus on Busan Port", Journal of Navigation and Port Research, 42(6), 529-538. 

  41. Son, Dong-won (2002), Network Analysis Methodology, Seoul: Kyungmoonsa. 

  42. Wang, S. and Meng Q.(2013), "Reversing Port Rotation Directions in a Container Liner Shipping Network", Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 72, 128-145. 

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