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[국내논문] 모바일/임베디드 객체 및 장면 인식 기술 동향
Recent Trends of Object and Scene Recognition Technologies for Mobile/Embedded Devices 원문보기

전자통신동향분석 = Electronics and telecommunications trends, v.34 no.6, 2019년, pp.133 - 144  

이수웅 (콘텐츠인식연구실) ,  이근동 (콘텐츠인식연구실) ,  고종국 (콘텐츠인식연구실) ,  이승재 (콘텐츠인식연구실) ,  유원영 (콘텐츠인식연구실)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Although deep learning-based visual image recognition technology has evolved rapidly, most of the commonly used methods focus solely on recognition accuracy. However, the demand for low latency and low power consuming image recognition with an acceptable accuracy is rising for practical applications...


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