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NTIS 바로가기한국가금학회지 = Korean journal of poultry science, v.47 no.4, 2020년, pp.267 - 274
차재범 (국립축산과학원 가금연구소) , 김기곤 (국립축산과학원 가금연구소) , 추효준 (국립축산과학원 가금연구소) , 권일 (국립축산과학원 가금연구소) , 박병호 (국립축산과학원 가금연구소)
This study was conducted to estimate genetic parameters for growth and egg production traits in Black Korean native chicken (L strain) and Korean White Leghorn (F, K strains) using a multi-traits animal model BLUP. Traits used for this study were body weight at 150 days (BW150) and 270 days (BW270),...
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