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[국내논문] Two-Pathway Model for Enhancement of Protocol Reverse Engineering 원문보기

KSII Transactions on internet and information systems : TIIS, v.14 no.11, 2020년, pp.4310 - 4330  

Goo, Young-Hoon (Advanced KREONET Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information) ,  Shim, Kyu-Seok (Advanced KREONET Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information) ,  Baek, Ui-Jun (Department of Computer and Information Science, Korea University) ,  Kim, Myung-Sup (Department of Computer and Information Science, Korea University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

With the continuous emergence of new applications and cyberattacks and their frequent updates, the need for automatic protocol reverse engineering is gaining recognition. Although several methods for automatic protocol reverse engineering have been proposed, each method still faces major limitations...


표/그림 (14)

AI 본문요약
AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

제안 방법

  • The proposed method can apply to both command-oriented protocols and non-command-oriented protocols. By defining three types of format and four types of field formats, the proposed method extracts intuitive and detailed protocol specifications using the CSP algorithm hierarchically. Moreover, the proposed method extracts not only syntax but also semantics, and the FSM of the target protocol.
  • We performed experiments with five known protocols to validate the superiority of the proposed method. In all the protocols, the inferred specification was extracted in less than 1 min.


  • For example, they cannot extract a login keyword because the keyword occurs only once in a flow. To infer both command-oriented and non-command-oriented protocols in detail, the proposed method uses a two-pathway model.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (30)

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