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NTIS 바로가기지식경영연구 = Knowledge Management Research, v.21 no.4, 2020년, pp.265 - 285
손세형 (한국관광공사) , 박재은 (경희대학교 스마트관광원) , 김은미 (경희대학교 스마트관광연구소) , 구철모 (경희대학교 스마트관광원) , 한인구 (카이스트 경영대학원)
The inbound tourism market is recognized as a vital sector of the tourism industry today, but it is highly volatile due to each country's economic, social, and cultural variables. The causes of volatility vary according to the inbound country, and we intend to revitalize the stabilized tourism indus...
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