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콘크리트 표면처리 방법이 콘크리트 표면 금속용사 피막의 부착강도에 미치는 영향에 관한 실험적 연구
An Experimental Study on the Effect of Concrete Surface Treatment Methods on the Bond Strength of Metal Spray Coating

大韓建築學會論文集. Journal of the architectural institute of korea. 構造系, v.36 no.1 = no.375, 2020년, pp.147 - 154  

박진호 (한국건설기술연구원 국민생활연구본부) ,  김상열 (한양대학교 건축시스템공학과) ,  이한승 (한양대학교 건축학부)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The exterior finishing of reinforced concrete buildings is one of the important factors to prevent durability and prevent natural environment or disaster such as temperature, snow, wind, rain from the outside as well as external design of buildings. Finishing methods can be divided into wet and dry ...


참고문헌 (13)

  1. Nam, G.Y. (2012). The Develop mentand Application of In-situ Water-Repellent Painting Method, Thesis, Pukyong National University, 1-2. 

  2. Jung, S.H. (2003). Experimental study on the Adhesion Property between Spraying Metal and Concrete Surface according to the Treatment Method of Concrete Surface, Journal of the architectural institute of korea Structure & Construction, 19(2), 83-90. 

  3. Lee, H.S., Kim, W.J., & Yoo, J.H. (2016). 100 Years Anti-Corrosion Method Using Thermal Metal Spray Technology for Steel Structures, Review of Architecture and Building Science, 60(11), 52-55. 

  4. Jung, S.J. (2008). Construction, Kimoondang, 89-125. 

  5. Park, J.H. (2018). A Study on the Development on Arc Thermal Spraying Technique for Improving the Durability of Water Treatment Concrete Structure, Thesis, Hanyang University, 28-30. 

  6. Park, J.H., Lee, H.S., & Shin, J.H. (2016). An Experimental Study on Evaluation on Bond Strength of Arc Thermal Metal Spaying According to Treatment Method of Water Facilities Concrete Surface, Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction, 16(2), 107-115. 

  7. Jung, S.H., & Lee, M.S.(2003). Experimental study on the Corrosion Protection Properties and Anticorrosive life of the Zn/Al Metal Spray Method according to the Contents Ratio of Zn and Al. Journal of the Architecture Institute of Korea Structure & Construction, 19(10): 59-66. 

  8. Guenbour, A, Benbachir, A, & Kacemi, A.(1999). Evaluation of the corrosion performance of zinc-phosphate-painted carbon steel. Surface and Coating Technology. 113(12): 36-43. 

  9. Cinca, N, Lima, C.R.C, & Guilemany, J.M.(2013). An overview of intermetallics research and application: Status of thermal spray coatings. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 13, 2(1): 75-86. 

  10. Baek, I.Y. (2015). An Experimental Study on the Electromagnetic Shielding Performance of Arc Thermal Metal Spraying Film as Shielding Material for High-altitude Electromagnetic Pulse(HEMP), thesis, Hanyang University. 52. 

  11. Yoon, C.B. (2016). An Experimental Study on the Corrosion Behavior in the Steel Material embedded in Concrete with Metal Spray Method, thesis, Hanyang University. 29-30. 

  12. Park, J.H, Jitendra, K.S., & Lee, H.S. (2017). Ozone Resistance, Water Permeability, and Concrete Adhesion of Metallic Films Sprayed on a Concrete Structure for Advanced Water Purification, Coatings, 7(3), 1-12. 

  13. Choi, H.J. (2011). A Study on the Defect on Stone Finish System for Exterior Wall of Building, Thesis, Hanyang University, 13-14. 

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