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표준국어대사전과 편수자료의 수학 용어 비교 조사
A Comparative Study of Mathematical Terms in Korean Standard Unabridged Dictionary and the Editing Material 원문보기

Journal for history of mathematics = 한국수학사학회지, v.33 no.4, 2020년, pp.237 - 257  

허민 (Dept. of Math., Kwangwoon Univ.)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this paper, we classify the mathematical terms in Korean Standard Unabridged Dictionary into four groups; ① group 1 consists of the terms which coincide with the mathematical terms in the 2015 Editing Material, ② group 2 consists of the terms which are synonyms or old terms or infle...


참고문헌 (24)

  1. DO Jonghoon, PARK Ji Hyun, Analysis of changes in expression of school mathematics terminologies from the syllabus period to 2007 curriculum, Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics 23(4) (Nov. 2013), 491-503. 

  2. HAN Dae-Hee, A Study on the Problem of Terminology in Calculus, Journal of the Korean Society of Educational Studies in Mathematics VIII(2) (Dec. 1998), 495-507. 

  3. HER Min, On the Mathematical Terminology before the First Editing Material, Journal for History of Mathematics 31(3) (Jun. 2018), 111-126. 

  4. HWANG Sun-Wook, et al, High School Calcius, Mirae N Co., 2019. 

  5. Japan Society of Mathematical Education, Japanese-English / English-Japanese Dictionary for Practical School Mathematics Usage, Toyokan Pub. Co., Ltd, 2014. 

  6. JEONG Dong-myung, CHO Seung-je, Introduction to Real Analaysis 3rd ed., Kyungmoon-sa, 2019. 

  7. Ke xue chu ban she ming ci shi bian, The New English-Chinese Mathematical Dictionary, Kexue chu ban she, 2004. 

  8. KIM Sung-gi, KIM Do-han, GHE Seung-hyuk, Introduction to Analaysis 2nd ed., SNU-PRESS, 2012. 

  9. KIM J. B., On the mathematical terminology, The Mathematical Education 1(1) (1963. 3), 13-14. 

  10. LEE Gunbeom, The Mirage of Chinese Characters, Piena Pub., 2016. 

  11. Ministry of Education, The Terminology of Mathematics, Architectural Engineering and Civil Engineering, The Establishing Commission for Scientifical and Technical Terminology, 1956. 

  12. Ministry of Education, The Curriculum of Elementary School, Middle School, High School, 1963. 문교부령 제119.120.121호, 국가교육과정정보센터. 

  13. Ministry of Education, The Editing Material Vol. 5, 1964. 

  14. Ministry of Education, The Editing Material III (Basic Science), 1987. 

  15. Ministry of Education & Human Resources Development, The Editing Material for Textbooks III (Basic Science), 2004. 

  16. Ministry of Education, Mathematics Curriculum, Announcement of Ministry of Education No. 2015-74. 2015. 

  17. Ministry of Education, The Editing Material for Textbooks II, 2017. 

  18. Ministry of Education, The Editing Material for Textbooks III, 2017. 

  19. National Institute of The Korean Language, Korean Standard Unabridged Dictionary, https://stdict.korean.go.kr/. 

  20. PARK Ji Hyun, Study on the Transition of Mathematics Terminologies in Mathematics Curriculum and Textbook, Master's thesis, Graduate School of Education, Seowon University, 2011. 

  21. PARK Kyo Sik et al, High School Mathematics, Dong-a Pub. Co., 2018. 

  22. PARK Kyo Sik et al, High School Mathematics II, Dong-a Pub. Co., 2018. 

  23. PARK Kyo Sik et al, High School Probability and Statistics, Dong-a Pub. Co., 2019. 

  24. PARK Kyung Mee, A comparative study of school mathematics terminology in Korean, Chines and Japanese, J. Korean Soc. Math. Ed. Ser. A: The Mathematical Education 43(4) (Nov. 2004), 337-347. 

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