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조위승청탕(調胃升淸湯)의 비만 및 대사성 질환에 대한 연구동향 분석: 국내 학술지를 중심으로
Analysis of Research Trend about Jowiseungcheong-tang (Diàowèishēngqīng-tāng) for Treating Obesity and Metabolic Disease: Focused on Domestic Journals 원문보기

Journal of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation : JKMR = 한방재활의학과학회지, v.31 no.4, 2021년, pp.13 - 23  

이수환 (대한민국 공군 제19전투비행단) ,  이원준 (대한민국 공군 제18전투비행단) ,  정지홍 (세명대학교 부속 한방병원 한방재활의학과) ,  차윤엽 (상지대학교 부속 한방병원 한방재활의학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Objectives The purpose of this research is to comprehensively analyze about Jowiseungcheong-tang (Diàowèishēngqīng-tāng). This herbal medicine is widely used to treat obesity and metabolic disease. Methods We used 3 search terms, 'Jowiseungcheong-tang', 'Jowiseungc...


참고문헌 (29)

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  6. Oh SY, Lee SW, Kil EY, Joo JC. Effects of Jowiseungcheong-tang on heart rate variability. Journal of Sasang Constitutional Medicine. 2008;20(2):53-7. 

  7. Shin MS, Choi JB. The effects of Choweseungcheng-tang (Tiaoweishengqing-tang) and Choweseungchengtang-gamypang (Tiaoweishengqingtang-jiaweifang) on the change of weight and serum in mice fed high fat diet. Journal of Oriental Rehabilitation Medicine. 2002;12(1): 157-66. 

  8. Oh SW, Kim BW. Ef f ects of Jowiseungcheung-tang extract on the lipid metabolism, anti-oxidation and inflammatory reflex high fat diet obese rat. The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine. 2013;34(1):1-13. 

  9. Lee MJ, Yang GE, Lee JS, Noh HI, Yoon DR, An SM, Lew JH. Effects of Choweseuncheng-tang on obesity and hyperlipidemia in high-fat-diet-induced obese mice. Journal of Korean Medicine. 2011;32(4):37-47. 

  10. Lee JE, Kim BW, Kwon KR, Rhim TJ, Kim DH. Ef f ects of Chowiseungcheng-tang extracts on the preadipocytes proliferation in 3T3-L1 cell line, lipolysis of adipocytes in rat, and localized fat accumulation by extraction methods. Journal of Pharmacopuncture. 2008;11(1):127-41. 

  11. Lee IS. The ef f ects of concurrent administration of Jowiseungchungtang and Bitter Melon (Momordica charantia) on gene expression and blood glucose level in obese-mice induced by high fat diet [dissertation]. Iksan:Wonkwang University; 2016. 

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  23. Park KM, Song YK, Lim HH, Lee JH, Ko HY, Park JH, Kim HJ, Park SJ, Park JS, Ko SG. Review on the research relative to Taeeumjowui-Tang (Taiyintiaowei-tang). Journal of Society of Korean Medicine for Obesity Research. 2009;9(1):23-36. 

  24. Park JS. Review on studies of wild ginseng complex pharmacopuncture related to obesity treatment. Journal of Korean Medicine for Obesity Research. 2021;21(1): 42-8. 

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  26. Jang YW, Lee YJ. The effect of regular weight training on the leptin and assimilation hormone in obese women. The Korean Journal of Sport. 2019;17(4):825-36. 

  27. Yoon EJ, Kim JY. Effects of resistance exercise and curcumin intake on mRNA expression of obesity and inflammation-related factors in large inetestine tissue of rats with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Journal of Korean Society Living Environment System. 2019;26(5):701-7. 

  28. Wang C, Choi HJ, Yun MY. Effect of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi fermented with Leatiporus sulphureus on serum and hepatic steatosis of high-fed diet mice. Journal of the Korean Society of Cosmetology. 2017; 23(6):126-6. 

  29. Kang M, Oh J, Lee H, Lee J. Patient group study to improve the accuracy of QSCC II+. Journal of Sasang Constitutional Medicine. 2019;31(3):48-50. 

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