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Development of Kinematic Ephemeris Generator for Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter (KPLO) 원문보기

Journal of astronomy and space sciences, v.37 no.3, 2020년, pp.199 - 208  

Song, Min-Sup (Astrodynamics and Control Lab., Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University) ,  Park, Sang-Young (Astrodynamics and Control Lab., Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University) ,  Kim, Youngkwang (Astrodynamics and Control Lab., Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University) ,  Yim, Jo Ryeong (KPLO Mission and System Team, Korea Aerospace Research Institute)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This paper presents a kinematic ephemeris generator for Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter (KPLO) and its performance test results. The kinematic ephemeris generator consists of a ground ephemeris compressor and an onboard ephemeris calculator. The ground ephemeris compressor has to compress desired orb...


표/그림 (14)

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제안 방법

  • The former compresses the ephemeris of orbit propagation data of spacecraft and the latter compresses the ephemeris of JPL planetary ephemerides. Compressed ephemeris data on the ground system are sent to the KPLO and then the onboard ephemeris calculator calculate ephemeris of the spacecraft and the Sun/Moon using these uploaded data.
  • In this study, a kinematic ephemeris generator for the KPLO is developed and its performance tests are conducted. The kinematic ephemeris generator consists of two parts: a ground ephemeris compressor and an onboard ephemeris calculator.
  • The spacecraft ephemeris can be generated by using Polynomial interpolation with Uniform node, Chebyshev interpolation and Hermite interpolation, respectively. In this study, after testing their performances of the three interpolation methods, an appropriate interpolation is chosen and validated for the KPLO mission.
  • Thus, a kinematic ephemeris generator for the KPLO has to utilizes a method of interpolating the position information only. The main contribution of this study is that a kinematic ephemeris generator algorithm based on very limited conditions for the KPLO is developed and validated. The algorithm consists of a ground ephemeris compressor and an onboard ephemeris calculator.
  • For the KPLO mission, onboard computer must generate ephemeris data every second for the spacecraft and the Sun/Moon. Therefore, the tests were conducted by comparing the orbit propagation data (as true values) with the generated ephemeris every second. The test parameters contain maximum distance error, mean distance error, and standard deviation.

대상 데이터

  • In the tests, JPL planetary ephemerides DE 430 is used. Table 5, Table 6, Table 7 are the test results of the Sun ephemeris generation by using Polynomial interpolation with Uniform node, Chebyshev interpolation and Hermite interpolation, respectively.
  • To test the spacecraft ephemeris generation, ephemeris data which is similar to the mission orbit is required. The mission orbit is a circular polar orbit with 100km altitude. General Mission Analysis Tool (GMAT) is used to get the reference orbit by propagating orbit based on the mission orbit (NASA GSFC 2017).


  • For the Apollo missions from 1969 to 1971, coasting integration routine with Enke’s method was used to calculate the ephemeris of the spacecraft (Savely et al. 1972).
  • By referring these research, a KPLO ephemeris generator has been developed by using a kinematical method. The kinematic ephemeris generator is made by utilizing the ephemeris compression method of the NASA JPL plan-etary Ephemerides (Newhall 1988; Folkner et al. 2014). A kinematic ephemeris generator equipped in onboard computer of spacecraft generates spacecraft’s ephemeris at a desired time, by using uploaded information from a ground system in the Earth.
  • In the last step, it computes polynomial coefficients of the interpolation function at the normalized time by using ephemeris calculated in the pre-vious step. The polynomial coefficients of the interpolation function are calculated by using Vandermonde matrix.
  • Consequently, lower order of approximation function can be allowed which has less number of coefficients hence, small data size. The spacecraft ephemeris can be generated by using Polynomial interpolation with Uniform node, Chebyshev interpolation and Hermite interpolation, respectively. In this study, after testing their performances of the three interpolation methods, an appropriate interpolation is chosen and validated for the KPLO mission.
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참고문헌 (16)

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